

We from splendid-gaming are trying to make a League of Legends community in our organisation.
Every on is welcome to join the community, but there are still some requirements you need to face

- Speak english
- Have respect
- Be kind
- Have Fun !

We are also searching for a team leader and some recruiters that could lead this community!
- he will be responsble
- he decide what happends

so if you are up for it and wants to join the community? feel free to make a application on the website or join our ts3 to have a instant chat!

website: http://splendid-gaming.eu
email: [email protected]
steam: minimo222
ekto wants to be the leader
Get dota 2
we are also recruiting dota2, but on a low lvl atm
/q BossHK
what sever are u guys on ill join :P
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