Haseo need to learn how to aim
looking for some1 to explain me how to aim properly preety pls if some1 is that niceeeeee :DDDDD cus this is funny how i shoot xD
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
cuz SR is acting like seareal
It's all about tracking the enemies / the hitboxes. has nothing to do with corners and stuff like that, they just give you an advantage in certain situations, but you can't rely on that.
Spec this Buzzer guy. Enjoy. Take notes.
Just follow his instructions, do it like 10minutes for a day
- Get a config in which you can see the enemy clearly no matter if is he far away or near (check mine in my profile)
- don't change your sensitivity or m_pitch once you have found good settings
- Some players track corners in order to learn how to keep aim stable (I haven't found that so important)
- Play relaxed and calm: I discovered that if I'm calm and relaxed my aim is more stable than if I'm really concentrating on it.
2. PM Speedy Bozar. He is the greatest aimer in the ET history racking up 60acc without expection. Ask him about levitating too, he might teach you that as well.
3. Play panzerfaust. It is easiest weapon to get 100% accuracy. (This is for noobs)
4. cg_drawgun 0 makes your accuracy ramp up by 10-15%. This is scientifically proven.
5. Pay chaplja 50€ to buy his undetected bimbot. (easy way)
6. Ask seareal to teach you. He is next to bozar when it comes to aiming. He might invite you to his private aiming server as well.
7. Download mAus.cfg