one.more Cup #7
05/09/2013 - Announcement Post
Date: 8th September 2013
Start Time: 19:00 CET
Minimum Teams: 4 (probably a maximum of 8)
Tournament Structure: Playoff (Singe Elim first round, Double Elim afterwards)
Maplist: Base, Beach, Escape2, Ice, Keep and Sub.
Tournament is free for all to signup, you must have at least 3 players on your roster and a maximum of 4.
Map and round rules
Maps are decided by elimination, whoever eliminates first in the first set of maps selection elims first if a decider is needed. Every round will be normal ABBA style with a decider played if needed. Warwitch will shoutcast the UB Final, LB Final and Grand Final and will use a coin toss to decide who elims first on these games.
Round Rules: First round, if 8 teams sign up, will be single elimination. After that the semi finals onwards will be double elimination. We are trying to find the best mix of competition, fun, and casting enjoyment. The last casts have lasted 6-8 hours and we want to cut this down just a bit.
1. unity: max, parcher, vis and fireball
2. KiH: malmen, ozzy, smutzig and FeTTe
3. Yellow: askungen, crumbs, Clown and Night
4. team flowerpower: mata, olbaa, bully
- - - - - Minimum - - - - -
5. Stone Cold ET: razz, Cliffdark, fstr and jam
- - - - - Backups - - - - -
no frostbite o:?
challonge is pretty bad and doesnt allow afaik much customisation (nice for people who dont know how brackets work though so does a lot of the work for them).