ANTZi avi

As the title says I'm avi to play, if there are teams in a lack of players! Had a little break during this summer ('bout 3months), but now I'm trying to get back in business :-)

I am:

* prolly med- atm

* usually playing as medic, but able to play as engi if needed

* can speak English

* not cheating

* I consider myself as a funny guy to play with..

contact me here if you're interested. c(:
moro, mitä juissi? vieläks ruukaat hakata ET? :)
pitää kattella tässä ku pääsee taas kämpille koneen ääree, jos pelais pari matsia pitkästä aikaa? :) tosin nyt joutunu mokkulalla pelaa, ni vähän pätkivää menoa ollu ( pingi siel 100-200 välillä :D ).
jees tehää näi :)
Weren't you banned on tzac?
not that, but on pb a few months ago :D
and that thing was solved almost immediately :)
yeah, by a league ban
yeah, whatever you say :) I made this topic for those who are in a need for a player and I can assume you're not one of them, so why don't you "go away" and leave this topic and me alone, since you obviously have nothing constructive to say? :) Thank you.
Because he's a retarded fag who don't have anything else to do. He remembers every single ETPlayer with a cheating past and just keep spamming Crossfire with useless stuff. Don't worry, he's also busted, so you also can ask him to go away
Yeah :) I don't really care about guys like he is 'cause he doesn't have even a clue about the facts behind the things he's talking about.. Pretending to know stuff and actually know something are obviously two different things, some people just doesn't seem to know the difference between these two things, as sad as it is..
dragonbal101 says anything to you?
Defending cheaters. Having a good memory, and remembering who was a cheater is pretty handy these days with the Tzac cheat list. You have to hope CB do their ban job correctly, and hope noone spoofs his hardware. So a good memory these days is handy, tanguy.

Those insiders, did you get them?
Still I never was TZAC's banned players list and if you're accusing me as a cheater atleast get your facts right before doing that. Thank you...
That's why I wondered.
Someone similar to your name, who played couple of games with Uranus and King got banned.

Could it be just Anti instead of Antzi?
well I know that polish player who played with the name 4nti or something like that and yes he was on one of the latest ban lists that came out from tzac, if I remember it right.
You seriously are a stalker :D It's kinda creepy, can you stop it?
See it as a warning.
Warning about what? Is that some kind of threat? xD

pls stahp i'm scared
Since you deleted your post / or it got deleted, i'll just answer you there

Go on pathetic fuck, tell us more! Oh and yeah, feel free to hack my account on your forums :D
What what? You asked me if i wanted to see all you knew about me, i said yes. I'm still waiting, piece of trash :)
Chill down, tanguy.
Why do you keep saying my first name?
lol, no I were not, wtf? hope you're not seriously saying that... :)
Quote* not cheating
GL maybe we can make some 6v6 OC team if we dont find any of ourselves? :-)
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