im avi
kazim looked so much better but good luck
Amount of informations in this thread just killed me
I see your vocabulary improved
good luck i guess
came for a chick, since there is no hidden images in this post I have decided not to read content of it. Can you guys fill me up with shorter version?
Good luck son, you've pretty good improved
if he is EC skilled them I am a God
God, please i want a new bicycle.
i said god not santa
don't know why players always whine on other players they are not better :-)

gl kazim
players comin from jaymod/nitmod

achieve low+ skill

search team for EC

this is 2013 :/

no offence btw!
hum im not from jaymod /nitmod and im playing ETpro since 2005/06
Yes you were playing etpro when you were 7 years old
"EC" u're going a little too far k4zim :p
U didn't have enough good teams / game experience to play EC but OC for sure ! imo
best journal 2013!

man this journal is sick
deserves good team imo, cool guy and skillboosted hard recently xoxox gl m8
This guy speaks english very well!
Francepharaons need a 6th for EC pm bowler
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