Mouse problems

Hey, im having some problems with my mouse, I have a Logitech G5.
Anyway, the problem.
My sens seems to change depending on my fps,
if i drag my mouse over my mousepad (ca: 30cm) with 125 fps, It will do a 180 turn,
but if my fps is 30, and I drag my mouse over the mouse pad, i only get a 45 degree turn.

Anyway to fix this?

edit: sorry for my pro english :D
I have G5 too but never got problem like this :o
Are you sure you don't have mouseaccel on?
In my setpoint drivers its off, dont know about windows.
Does it matter if its on in windows if i turned it off in my mouse software?
I disabled mouseaccel in windows too,
and it didnt help
Different fps different sens
Yea, thats my problem.
I want to know how to fix it ;R

Anyone got an idea? :)
Not trying to make any script at all,
just damn annoying if im playing radar and a airstrike cannister lands infront of me, reducing my fps to around 30 so that i cant turn around and run away.

Its its totally unplayable on crowded publics
i guess you're using 2000 dpi? use lower dpi (400?) or mforce (direct input).
due to the low fps you get negative accel.
I am using 2000 dpi,
I will try what you suggested, I post the results later :)

Update: I lowered my dpi to 400 and it works fine now.
Thanks guys <3
400dpi more accurate : )
best option would be to get stable fps
Without stable fps and fixing the sens problem would not solve it all.
you would still lag and get raped, so try to set your cfg so you get stable fps (in other words, put all to minimum)
For the best way to increase your mousemovements would be to put your fps the same as the screen refresh rate your monitor has at a certain mode.
I have 75 hz at 800*600 so I use 76 fps & r_displayrefresh 76.
DPI means dots per inch, so that just indicated how fast your mouse will move. If you have stable fps chosing DPI is just chosing what suits you best.
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