Enemy territory mod and Anticheat

Hi all, because is again problem with anticheat for enemy territory I decided make this post.
I know so some of you will write me so I am ........, but i try it.

First of all why competition comunity do not change mod? ETPro mod is outdated and who know something about server setting then know so exist Enemy Territory mods which is possible set like ETPro. This mods have more options than outdated ETPro mod. Some of mods have also own Anticheat which is implemented in the ET mods. Then players do not need instal any next programs. Next thing is so last ETPro version is from 2006 and others mods is updated every year.

We can make test server which will setted like ETPro and try if it may be way for Enemy territory game.

TZAC is down and alot players have problem with UAC, try please think about that.

Sorry for my bad English.
1 year, 4 months and 16 days lol. outdated compared to what? jaymod double-jump railgun shizzle?
I think he is talking about Nitmod or Silent. Both of them are easy Ninento style compared to ETPro imo, but atleast those mods got support :~<

et is dead
useless crap mods <3
you talk too much without any knowing :S
Yes I talking about N!tmod. I am happy so someone know something about Enenmy Territory mods.
I dont care about them. This game is dead and dosent matter what mod u use. Public only, and that is not part of my interest : <
imho ET is more enjoyable when you can casually play on publics and not play sd/deli 24/7 with total retards
You are totaly right :) but some time ago "war" / "competitive et" didnt mean this shit :D Now these fags enjoy cheating \ flaming against eachother in premier and "EC" .

There are some exceptions, GL to those teams.
Robert can you tell me please why you write here about when I registred on crossfire? I see so you do not know anything about Enemy territory game. You know only outdated ETPro mod and jaymod. And maybe only as player but not server admin. Your comment does not make sense.
I know that if you crouch on nitmod you shoot headshots only and noobs go mad saying that you cheat and that they played game for 10 years and they know cheat when they see it and omg you cheat.
Robert N!tmod is one of mods which have implemented anticheat. And believe me so you will not shoot only headshoots because N!tmod have better hitboxes (16 hitboxes) than ETPro. Next thing is so on N!tmod I can set ETPro hitboxes, then you can have same as on ETPro mod. :-)
Hitboxes is not everything. Etpro is best, the anticheat is useless anyway, now go away ya newschool deluded cunt.
Just ignore the retards commenting here Klob, you come with an honest suggestion/question and I for one think you are right.

Nitmod is in ways a lot further and better than ETpro. Silent is not, aint silent just another mix of some nitmod stuff anyway?

It is how he says, ETpro is outdated and could really use some of the nitmod stuff, starting with the hitboxes as well.

The only reason people would hate nitmod is because they think of it as a public config and of course public is shit because competitive gaming is better. Don't be so narrowminded and actually look at the features.

Oh and I have not even played Nitmod for more than 10 hours in total, but I can read the features inside and already prefer some stuff over the ETpro ones.
So it's all fine, you and klobb prefer it, let's just switch cuz you and klobb prefer it. And if you don't agree, you're a retard.
So let's not switch because you don't like it? What kind of reasoning is that.
I'm simply stating I like/prefer some features in there and etpro is outdated as anyone would know.

Just get the fuck out already.

E: I said all the retards commenting because I haven't seen a single well argumented comment towards him from you now have I? Oh he posts something I do not agree with, let's not even try to give him my reasons because probably I have none but just curse at him a bit and hope he agrees with me eventhough I don't say shit.
Make a poll and see how it goes :) Your argument so far is ME AND KLOBB LIKEY, GO SWITCH RETARDS.
You are such a waste of internetspace. I don't even care for a switch, who the hell cares but he comes with a decent suggestion/question and deserves some normal discussion.

And I'll say it again, I don't need a switch, you can COMBINE features, is that a new term for you?
The suggestion is HEY I GOT SERVER, I THINK BETTAR, LET'S DO IT. Still waiting for that list of things that make it better solution than etpro
Can you now respond to what I have now stated multiple times already:
You can COMBINE features.
You don't HAVE to leave the whole ETpro behind.

You can't honestly believe ETpro can't be better and nitmod can never have any good feature or anything.
Give list of features then. Still waiting,
The fact that you don't know anything about it does not make me want to help you out. You seem to be argueing about something you have never looked in to, or only like when it just started.
Read most up to date posts, some olders + I did play on nitmod and it's utterly shit :)
"And I find it utterly shit but that does not mean you guys can not discuss about it, at least in a proper way with arguments and everything and I will just head back to my cave as I stated my non-argumented opinion in my first comment and have only been a retard afterways anyway."

There, I corrected it for you, thanks for your sharing.
Still waiting from other argument other than "etpro is outdated, nitmod so awesome". Come back from your cave when you are able to do that.
Sorry what?
Where are your arguments?

Isn't ETpro is outdated an argument?
Isn't nitmod's hitboxes and lagfix is better an argument?

Oh man you may have to teach me a thing or two about arguments, it seems you make them without actually posting them, how do you do that?
Hitboxes is not an argument, cuz they are not better. And what lagfix? Try sending to source to actually show the lagfix instead of empty words
Show me ONE argument you made now first, or wait.. I won't even bother anymore. Let's just agree to disagree.
There you go:ETPro is STABLE. It's working, it's been working for years now (which you would know if you actually were here for years) and there is absolutely no need to change. Swapping to unstable mode with useless options is not a solution to anything.
You keep talking about that swapping, while I never was. Nice reading skills man, well done. Remind me never to even try have a discussion with you again, please, or anyone else reading this.

So you would have hated to see any updates to etpro? You are the death of et! Because of you the support is gone!
ETPro as it is right now (not updated for years) still better by miles than silent. You CAN'T combine them, your idea is futile and you can't call it a discussion as you didn't make any valid point.
Oh now we are talking about silent? That's fucking amazing.

Please explain how you could not combine.
I'm not a developer but trip to silent forums made it quite clear it's not doable. Also if it was so simple, someone would just update etpro by now right?
Nitmod. That is the subject this discussion at least was about. Could you at least try to keep it at the actual subject?

You can alter Nitmod to Etpro's standards, it's mostly just the globalconfig most people think etpro is anyway.
Silent management thinks otherwise.
Well they must be right then of course, even though the facts are against them + it has been done before.
I honestly believe you are still thinking about a config in stead of a mod. I'll leave it at that because I can't seem to notice anything other than that from you.
Had a good chat, a good timekiller from work :p
Quote+ it has been done before.

has it?
Yes. By yours truly.
It's not that hard actually and more have done it.

Just run Nitmod, put all the settings as ETpro has them but tweak them with nitmod commands.

And as Klobby has just shown, he can do it as well. I also know for a fact that either FA or that other huge clan had it running for a while on their "Etpro", nobody even noticed it was Nitmod.
you are utterly shit on etpro as well :S
on nitmod they accuse me of cheating xD
bragging is only allowed when you got banned :S
brb getting myself banned
best troll in a while 12/10
image: 4vqsM
hah :DD, priceless
ET Pro is still the best mod. I know a lot of people play Silent but I hate it. I hate the graphics, I hate everything about it.
Then again you're a 48 years old emo. Can you like anything?
Are you Jesus? From where you came to save us? Is this the 7th miracle? ET is not dead?
I like this arguments :-), ETPro is best beceuse I like it :-) but I do not know anything about server setting and what is possible on other mods. hahahahahahahah

Like 10 years old childrens. :-)
Make a list of features that actually might be useful for competetive (that aren't in etpro already).
Why don't you make one to show how wrong he is, do you even know what is in it?
Plus, you could share features in stead of having one over the other. Stop being so black and white.
I don't need to make one, I don't want the change. ETPro was around for years, it's stable and we are all used to it.
So you are talking to me about 'just because I like it it must be done', even though I state my arguments.
But when you don't like it you don't have to give any reasons because 'you don't want the change anyway'.

Right, I believe you'll be a great politician.
Well you keep saying "moar features" so I expect to finally learn what those amazing features are.
Talk to me normally or don't talk. Mister 'mi no likey changie', sounds fun?
Get the nitmod hitboxes, lagfix from nitmod in etpro and we are already in a better state.
Oh wait, I bet you don't even know about them.
Nitmod hitboxes :DDD haha no
Just because you can't aim doesn't mean they are worse :(
Shown from the logs, their hitboxes are more precise, why is that not better? I don't care for those lucky headshots, stupid misses when you are actually on someone's head and all that kind of stuff from ETpro's.
They are actually worse cuz I get more headshots on nitmod :D More random ones aswell, just cround and boom TING TING TING. Why it's not better is that nitmod pub cunts won't come to play competetive anyway and you'll throw away people that have been playing ETPro for fuck load of years. HF killing ET, force silent+UAC everywhere and cu in Extraction.
Not all nitmod servers run all the best stuff it provides.
Now you are talking about the server where you before said klobby was.

Nitmod is not the thing running on some server. Nitmod is a mod that can be edited by serverowners to their own likings. WP.

And what if I set up a server now, call it ETpro but run nitmod:
Add all ETpro stuff but have the better sort of features of nitmod.

If it is just the name you are so worried about, there is your solution.
Can you just please go set up NBS Nitmod crap and fuck off? This discussion is 100% pointless as it WILL NOT happen.
No, you are making this discussion pointless as you do not discuss anything.
Well nothing to discuss since all you can do is throw simple words like "hitboxes" and "lagfix"
I stated 2 simple things as you have argumented nothing yet. No point in bringing in more don't you think?
I like your idea of nothing.
'Because I like it and don't want a change' is not a valid argument by the way.
hf killing ET? ETPro is dead, yes, which is exactly the point. Public, however, is not.
Then stick to public and don't bring retarded ideas here :)
You can just as well play competitively on N!tmod as you can on ETPro, probably even better.
... and you are of course, the font of non-retarded ideas.
Windows 98 was also stable, was also around for years but hey. Times changin :D

Why do all poles are so afraid of changes?!? The result of that is WE are again gonna have PIS or PO rolling in our gov. FUCK YOU:D
PiS nadchodzi gówniarzu, pakuj walizki
spoko ja zostaje, bede masakrowal lewakow z januszem
Ciebie zmasakrują jak się raz w kościele nie pojawisz
zesrają się
and I like your arguments in return. different mod is better because.. more hitboxes? is it how you said it? I played on pubs with both nitmod and jaymod. etmain aswell in my times. etpub too. been there, done that. only "valid" opinion I take is implemented AC, which might be cool. in everything else, ETPRO rolls everything else. arguments like "better hitboxes".. please. never understood this. I like ETPRO hitboxes. I dont need different hitbox for every single muscle in the body either. I dont see ETPRO outdated in any way. sure, it is indeed old. but you know the common saying.. old but gold.
tl;dr version : ETPRO >> *
Read please my post good. N!tmod server is possible set like ETPro (also ETPro hitboxes), but ETPro server as other mod no.

N!tmod have alot things which ETPro have not. Because ETPro is not updated from 2006.

Tell me how old is your mobil phone? Is from 2006? I hope so no. :-) Here is the point :-).
firstly, I read your post, but - with no offence - your english is really hard to understand :) still have no idea, what "set like ETPro" means. doest it mean, EVERYTHING is EXACTLY just like in ETPro, just AC added?
I am curisous - what really good things does n!tmod have compared to ETPro?
and about my phone.. you must be a wizard. I have k800i, which was launched in July 2k6 ;)
age doesn't mean anything :)
Yes I know so my English is very bad, I learn all alone on et game. Yes I think so on N!tmod is possible set server which will as ETPro. GreenClon if you will start interest on server setting and no only on gamming, you will see as is ETPro outdated.

I like new things because is majority better than old.
well, you still havent told me, what is so much better in new mods? if you like, feel free to talk to me in czech, will be much easier for both of us I guess :D
and no, pretty often old things are better than old ones :)


e: or did you mean curry sauce?
yeah, curious. making just so many mistakes due to new keyboard :D still not fully adapted to it :o
and indeed, curry too good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUnnHyoq2Dg :p
All luring down tkzni is needed,already one serveren neither maybe pubolni:(
I go up so already nbsre,that díerekt I stood there where I cheat they are,throughout tkázom they,the swindlers do not like a yes but I write it down now get used to the swindlers having the right to tk for you.sorry bad englis
thought exactly the same :DDDDD
5/5 google translate
jesus fucking christ menace XDDDD
did u fenébe use szar google translator?
rofl what the hell
oh god, google translators striking everywhere.
oh the swindlers
Yeah a different mod for competition would be great, but Crossfire is NOT the place for such posts. You need to create your own competitive scene behind a mod if you want to move away from ETPro

N1tmod, with the improved hitboxes, lagfixes, better HUD settings, competitive configs ( which includes turning off the fun stuff, turning up knockback etc. ) would go a long way into doing exactly that.

Not even mentioning the way better code base of N!tmod compared to the hacky, not even 2.70 2.60D compatible ETPro... sucks that bani is such a dick, could easily up etpro with the source

ETpro would've been and will be removed the second there's a better one available. If there already is then i can only question why its not already been played,
cuz it's not better
The reason is fairly simple, and Robaciek is proving it nicely ( thanks for that btw ! ) in this topic. Its that very static nature of most ETPro players. CHANGE = BAD. Goldrush + supply only, new maps FUCK THAT SHIT!!

They do not understand that ETPro is not equal to competitive play.. if you wanted to you could create a panzerwar ladder on clanbase..
well tbh new maps are shit mostly thats why fuck it :D
gr and sd both were new maps once, and if its good it will be changed :)
Well its a bit exaggerated here but I hope you know what I mean.. its that people really should try and think more before the form an opinion on something.. like people hating on erdenberg, because they have never played it. ( Its a great 3v3 map )

Still, I wonder what it would be like to play with the new hitboxes ( haven't seen them yet ) on the latest release of N!tmod, they seem to really closely resemble the player's model.. which could be nice when playing against frogs or polaks.
no kind of hitboxes are gonna make them hitable, period.
can't tell if trolling or just not into computers..
Ok here is only few thing which is on N!tmod:

Hitboxes system: Up to 17 hitboxes per player.
Every hitbox is synced with the player animation and rotation!
It doesn't use any extra entity for hit detection
Last N!tmod version is added also alternative hitboxes: http://etmods.net/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1240
global players stats: http://stats.etmods.net/
On N!tmod you can ban players : ban on N!tmod is IP+MAC
Last N!tmod version have own anticheat.
And what is really important is so N!tmod updated.
That is only few things which outdated ETPro have not. I can set N!tmod server like is ETPro but nobody can set ETPro server like N!tmod.

I make this topic because I thought so we will discuss about that. But not insulting each others.

Yes I write up so we can make one N!tmod server where will competition setting and we can test it.
Wrong forum, sorry. You are on the right track though and everything you mentioned is based on facts, but still people will disagree.
Thanks for your coments :-). That is only idea. :-) I only want keep Enemy Territory alive.
I know and you are right to do so.
Can only work as Excite said, with an entirely new community with it. Who knows, in the future ;)
Yes I thought so some reacts will bad, but that is because players do not know anything about server settings and posibillity (options) of others ET mods. They playing ETPro many years and because that will outdated ETPro best for them. :-)

On NBS (ETPro) is now alot cheaters and nobody can ban them, because on ETPro mod is not possible ban more than 50 IP adress. Then admins only kick them and cheater is back per 30 sec. :-)
But ETPro is still best :-) muhahhahahaha

And when will UAC shut down they will solve here again problem with anticheat.
Well, can't count on that nitmod ac though. It's a nice thing but not worth mentioning yet as a proper AC for competitions. Despite that, it's better than etpro's :p

And the fact that there are many cheaters has got more to do with competitive ET rather than ETpro specifically. Although, of course, if etpro was well supported that may not even be the issue. It's a circle :D
The current ETPro hitbox system is fine. It's consistent and it works, and I don't see any reason to go changing it. But since there's the "ETPro style hitboxes" option, I'm gonna leave it at that.

The global player stats feature is absolutely useless if you're not some pubwhore, and I think pubwhores already have trackbase or something like that. That's not a feature you want to advertise for competitive play.

The banning also isn't all that useful unless, again, you're playing public which is not the point here (I hope). But if that includes a decent way of tracking players that can't be spoofed as easily as ETPro GUIDs, I think you might be on to something. Also, how effective is the anticheat? Has it been bypassed yet? Is it mandatory if you're gonna run N!tmod (in case it turns out to be more trouble than it's worth)?

And since you say ETPro is outdated, I need to ask in what way? What important features is ETPro missing right now?

I haven't looked much into N!tmod yet, but please give me a reason to :)
Yes global players stats are uselless for competition, i only write what is on N!tmod. And sure so bans is good for publics servers like NBS. On NBS is now alot cheaters.

Yes ETPro have ETPro GUIDs and N!tmod have nGuid.

ETPro missing something what will stop cheaters everywhere. Competition wars and also publics servers.
ETPro missing server admin system which have other ET mods.
Server admin can be added to any public ETpro server, so ur argument is invalid, and not to mention that nitmod AC, can be prolly as easy bypassed as any current AC being used at any mods, so don't make such a big fuse out of it.

Every mod is missing that "perfect" AC that will stop cheaters, which most likely wont be seen for long time.

All right faggots, let's settle this down once for all.

1. you are right, an updated / really well customizable mod would be better for competition but
2. atm there is no real point to change
3. even with "etpro" hitboxes, the gameplay and hitting just doesnt feel the same.
I think so here is real point change it and because that I made this topic. Read please all my posts.
i'd rather try this than outdated etpro + laggy ac
I have during 10 years of ET basically only played etpro but based on the facts about nitmod, I have to say that I am more than open to give it a try.
Play it and you will change your mind.
You are such a negative person gg
Would be great if Nitmod conquered the competitive ET, see everybody else playing it except u.
I think exactly what Greenclon said above, sure etpro is an old mod and it sucks that we dont have an anticheat for it right now, but except for those 2 things etpro is not inferior than any of the newer mods around, in fact I think is the other way around
What exactly is UAC then, if not AC..
UAC is not being used on a daily basis Im afraid. I guess people will use it for offis if its forced, but for irc wars or practice matches nodoby turn it on. Its been like 2 weeks since uac was announced for ET, since then I've been playing several matches per day and just 1 or 2 times I managed to use uac with other teams not having a problem with it. So when it comes down to an AC, the thruth is I personally don't count with uac except maybe for offis if its forced, nothing more than that. For me thats almost like having no AC at all.
Then that's not AC problem, but player's, ETpro has it own AC at this point and everyone is free to use it, whenever it's IRC match, ladder games or future OC/EC games, u cannot possibly blame AC because players are too silly or unable to install/use the program.
its inferior in a lot of ways, just because you prefer it doesn't make it any better. ( One thing already would be to mention the outdated cvar system in the mod or the hacky nature )
Ok I made some setting on eG server. You can try it here: /connect

Some things I need fix but I added setting like eG|BLUE ETPro CZ was.
Bots are pain in the ass in this game, spreading 3hs from time to time.
Yes on N!tmod is possible have also bots ( good for publics servers).
How are bots good to have on a pub? They will never be anything like real players. I'd honestly play 1vs2 on Railgun rather than having a single bot.

that server lags like hell where the fuck is it hosted, korea?
This server is UK.
error, failed pure server check? s'ok
I heard N!trox ( the main developper of Nitmod ) was working on a new mod called ETcompet or something, cba to contact him, if you guys want to keep CB / competition alive, contact him
Yes I had discuss with N!trox about that, but that is long time ago.
lol virgins mad
Actually i wouldnt mind to play again if something like this happened.
but keep ETpro hitboxes , Nitmods one, are a joke and too easy to hit ( easy to have 50acc on it)
what the fuck is this'? xxxd
N!tmod is completely different than etpro... this is a really bad idea and the way you bring it up is even worse.
Even if you make the hitboxes the same as etpro ones, the whole other stuff is also different , specially the way you jump....you can go soooo fast even with a bad strafe.
And I am not sure about what you even proposed here.
It wasnt that bad felt like etpro I guess. I think the biggest question here is the ETTV support

no ettv = no future
N!tmod already support ETTV.
get eG server back!
Bottom line is, ET Pro is the purest for of ET, right up ther with ET Pub. I know you can make adjustments to hit boxes, etc, but N!tmod, Silent Mod, No Quarter, are all just that; Mods and to me they're all different versions of Jaymod
What? You can make adjustments to hitboxes in ETPro and ETPub which are also mods...
Yes, there is a command for it to adjust hitboxes.
Also that 'shit' with b_realhead.
Still old dated mod. Klobby's idea is pretty good.
Oh I know you can. I was just making the point about hose Mods and how you can make the Hitboxes similar to ET pro
We should do it the other way around though. Nitmod offers smaller and more precise ones.
I actually like N!tmod quite a bit
Sigh, you keep amazing me..
IS that good or bad?
What on bloody earth did i just read.

good bless google translator.
I approve this post 100%, brb installing nitmod
I already did
Serversided anticheats, especially mod implemented are quite the most useless bs games have ever seen. Beside that, the main reason there are no updates in etpro is because bani doesn't give out the etpro source code nor wants to work on it himself anymore
why he dosent share it? not like it would change anything, its 6 year late :D
well, it's like his baby, beside that, good luck finding him online anywhere :D
haha not surprised that you actually tried to find him and suck his cock
Who says I tried to? Everyone with a little knowledge of the scene knows he's been "afk" for a shitload of time
you said it
" good luck finding him online anywhere :D"
Stopped reading when I saw an exclamation mark in the name of the mod.
could someone translate please?
Useless to whine about faster moving or worse hitboxes, both can be changed like in etpro. Cant compare random nitmod pub server to etpro server because obviously they havent changed the settings to match etpro.... and about the anticheat atleast it catches aimbots.net cheats D: not sure how well it will detect better hacks but atleast better than no ac or UAC

ps. and doesnt lag
In nitmod though, sniping and reviving is pain in the ass. With basic smg shooting and not reviving it's better than etpro.
I still haven't tried nitmod, but whats the problem with reviving?
try it then :D Dunno, revives are fucked up, you have to aim perfectly in order to revive somebody, and it seems you can't revive while moving too
oh god, then reviving is gonna go down to 0 in et...
Thats a bug which going to get fixed i bet
<3 klobby
Thanks you very much for your opinions. I am happy so you keep this discussion and so you start think about my words.

I will try contact N!trox and will ask him if he can help us.
we should just abandon etpro. Its outdated.
Perhaps you people don t understand that this is an advertising attempt of his server
It is not, make some test server where will N!tmod. I do not care where we will test it.

I will happy is someone will make N!tmod competition test server where we will try 3on3 or 6on6 wars.

Ask ohurcool so I talk about that with him when TZAC shut down.
10 years playing on etpro without a single patch/change

:D u so stoopit
reported for toxicity hater!
if you could set up a server which had nitmod but would have the competetive settings (global 6 config, etpro hitboxes and the whole shebang)
i and surely many others would be happy to try it out.

i for one dont have an opinion on the case yet since quite frankly, i havent tried it out. and im sure many others here haven't either
/connect etmods.net
i asked a question but later realized nitrox himself is in this topic, ive copy pasted my previous content and ill reply it to him instead :)
Quote10 years playing on etpro without a single patch/change

N!tmod was not designed with the goal to replace a "competitive" mod, even though every (or almost every) fun feature can be disabled, and it could surely match ETPro style gaming...
I don't really like these kind of discussions about my work, because the "pro" community usually doesn't like it, or have no respect. Fortunately this didn't turn as bad as some discussions i've seen few years ago...

Now let's talk about it.

ETPro hitboxes are just ETMain hitboxes with "realhead" code, which is also implemented into N!tmod.
You can also choose to use any hitboxes settings you like, ETMain, ETPro, N!tmod style (http://etmods.net/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1240) or the advanced hitboxes system.
I've recently reworked the hit detection code of ETMain/Pro/N!tmod style hitboxes the to use less entities and have a more precise detection.

Talking about anticheat... So far, N!tmod has a client checksum verification, and a cvar scanner. I've already written the code for file scans, but it's not used yet. In the next version, it will also (if everything goes well with the devlopment) be possible to request screenshots of clients, kinda like PBSS.

I've noticed some of you said it was easy to move faster even with bad strafe, that's probably becauce a lot of the pmove code (just like many other parts of the code) has been optimized, and it's probably what it should have felt like since the beginning...

In the latest build (september 25th, revision 780), N!tmod uses an extra socket, which will considerably reduce lags on servers with lots of players.

The latest build can be tested on ETMods.net official server: /connect etmods.net
There are bots (max 3), of course, because the mod supports omnibot and since this server doesn't have a lot of visits, players who go there can still test the mod without being completely "alone".

If some of you are willing to discuss about this, you can add me on xfire: joyce975 or email me at [email protected].
Thanks you very much mate so you are did this post. :-) I hope so ETPro players will try it and they will see so it is possible play on diferent mod that is outdated ETPro.
I think you need to discuss this with Clanbase
you may have already mentioned it somewhere here, but this topic has become huge and I'm not planning on reading everything
but what I'm wondering is, does this mod have ALL the functions that etpro has too?
im talking about the red enemy spawntimer, the ability to use scripts to change spawnpoints, scripts to select classes and the ability to use our current autoexec_map and autoexec_class config files.

apart from this, i would like you to know that you have my utmost respect and i do appreciate what you offer to the community, there are some rotten apples on crossfire since there is basically a no-ban policy, but you should just ignore these toxic messages and focus on the people that appreciate it when good things happen
not everyone here is an asshole.
Test server is up and you can try it: /connect etmods.net

Added cinfigs 3on3 and 6on6 ----- /callvote 3o3config or /callvote 6o6config

Some players today already tested it.
If you will find something what can be changed on server setting post it please.

All help from you will welcomen. :-)


Have fun :-)
Don't forget to run ET as admin, to avoid connection problems.
n!tmod ftw!
make a poll on crossfire:
Make it in the official crossfire poll so that more people see it. see here: http://www.crossfire.nu/polls/596/uac-and-ecoc-season
But look if this poll had some sense. I think so no. Majority 44% do not will use UAC, but clanbase force it.

you didnt understand me correctly. I was just showing you where the crossfire poll can be found. you should make the poll on crossfire.nu and not on strawpoll.me
image: vote12
I wanted to come back to ET after some break but when i joined to any pub etpro 90% there were cheaters, thad made sense none to play again. My vote is for Nitmod, all neded arguments Nitrox wrote here. And maybe all "oldschoolsers" like that Poland who quarelled in first comments finally will leave ET.
Voted for Nitmod!
Lets face the truth.

Only nitmod can revive et a little bit. with this old etpro and retarded robaciek point of view that everything new is fucked up the et stage will look just like it is - completly dead with more cheaters than clean players.

Also many N!tmod players may come to play competetive with n!tcomp mod - so it would give a little bit of fresh blood
znajdę cię gówniarzu :XD
i wouldnt mind giving it a shot but it would need everything we have now. including spawntimers, spawnselector, class scripts and such.

basically, we still need to be able to use our current map and class scripts.
It doesnt need everything what etpro have now. It doesnt even need etpro players cause Nitmod is actually doing well. You should be thankful that N!trox mind to give whole etpro stage his own time to suit his mod for competetive playing, and even that he would allow his mod with a-c to use in CB for players (so also for you). But ofc etpro players must be picky as fuck.

Anyway: Better to play with cheaters(angry), or with anti-cheat while having fun(happy) but without map scripts?
On N!tmod working all scripts.
you seem to think everyone in this community is an ungrateful cunt. the functions i "asked" for are already in there. and if they weren't, they'd be very easy to add. ever heard of constructive criticism?

screw you for assuming the worst in everyone.
Yes all this functions are already in N!tmod. You can use players scripts (spawntime, class .... etc), You need only exec your config which you have on et main.

On N!tmod working also mapscripts, configs (glabal3, global6).
sorry then didnt know they are there. thought you had already checked that they arent before writing post. And it sounded for me like "there arent classscripts, fuck it". I probably got it wrong :D
I do not want say so N!tmod is best, but I think so it is way for competition enemy territory comunity.

Strong argument is so N!tmod coder (N!trox) is still active and working on this mod. This mod can be still better and better.

We are tested competition setting on test server (/connect etmods.net) and first ETPro players was kicked by NxAC.
I think so here is way because this mod have anticheat which is implemented on this mod. Players do not need instal any next programs (anticheats). I know so this Anticheat is not perfect, but as I write N!trox still working on it.

Next good thing which have N!tmod is so you do not need install etkey. N!tmod have nkey which is automaticlly generated when player connect on N!tmod server.

Then for players is N!tmod really easy. All what players need is only install Enemy Territory game. All others doing N!tmod.
if you start playing with a nitmod-server which is acting like an etpro server whats the worst that can happen? some fresh faces joining the competition scene for a couple of days before getting chased away by the noisy pricks trolling around in this community.
at least it cant get any worse i guess
could save et next year when UAC dies
I hope so next year will some ET players here. Alot ETPro players will never use UAC, not because their are scared, but because they do not want install something what is not for long time. And IDK if UAC is good to find ET cheats when was made for diferent games.

And when was made poll about UAC: http://www.crossfire.nu/polls/596/uac-and-ecoc-season
Opinions of majority is so UAC will kill ET game, but clanbase force it. Sure better some anticheat than any anticheat.

Next thing is so from time when I made this topic some "ET friends" ignore me (my private messages).
I was also banned for #et IRC chanel, because I posted about N!tmod test server.

I think so some ET players do not understant why I made this topic.
There is nothing wrong with UAC. The majority of those who refuse to use it don't really understand how it works or are simply delusional (or both).

That poll is silly and doesn't mean anything, especially considering how biased the options are.

ET is not dying because of UAC... Read the various newsposts/threads/journals/comments I've made about it before you say such things. Learn what UAC is and how it works before judging it based only on what others have said.

QuoteI was also banned for #et IRC chanel, because I posted about N!tmod test server.

The person who banned you on #ET (Poland Robaciek) is one of those few players who is against using UAC and spends his time bashing it and any admin or player who supports it. Think about that.
QuoteThe person who banned you on #ET ( Robaciek) is one of those few players who is against using UAC and spends his time bashing it and any admin or player who supports it. Think about that

Then I was banned because I do not use and do not support UAC? hahahahah nice reason for ban

QuoteThere is nothing wrong with UAC.

I do not want say so something is wrong on UAC, but wrong is so this Anticheat will end very soon.
Things which happned about ET anticheat is wrong, first you supported TZAC. You are removed all TZAC accounts so players must make new registration. When majority of players was reregistred you are shut TZAC down. Per one week you find UAC, then ET players need registred again. And what will when UAC will end? Try think about that, if that is way as keep ET alive.

We tender mod which have all in.
Automaticlly generate nkey (players do not need any etkey generator).
Own Anticheat which is implemented on this mod (players do not need any registrations)
This mod Is still updated.

Player need only connect on server where is N!tmod installed and all is done very fast :-).
No annoying registration or next programs which is needed for playing on other ET mods.
QuoteThen I was banned because I do not use and do not support UAC?

No, I'm saying that the one who banned you is one of the idiots who thinks we shouldn't be using UAC, which you seem to agree with for some reason.

Quotewrong is so this Anticheat will end very soon.

That is irrelevant. We are using it for the CB ET EC/OC Fall 2013 season, which will end before UAC is shut down. There is no reason not to use UAC until it is gone.

Quotefirst you supported TZAC. You are removed all TZAC accounts so players must make new registration. When majority of players was reregistred you are shut TZAC

You clearly don't understand what actually happened with TZAC. :) chaplja abandoned the project to go back to selling cheats and was sabotaging things by overtaking accounts and banning innocent users. TZAC was going to be shut down regardless.

QuoteAnd what will when UAC will end? Try think about that, if that is way as keep ET alive.

I don't know what we will do when UAC shuts down. Why does that matter though? Why not use UAC until it is gone?

Your argument is that UAC will be shut down in 3-4 months -> we shouldn't use it for those 3-4 months. That doesn't make any sense.
QuoteYour argument is that UAC will be shut down in 3-4 months -> we shouldn't use it for those 3-4 months. That doesn't make any sense.

I think so better can be solution for years and no 3-4 months. And solution which is not only for offi wars, but also for training wars. I think so et comunity need something what will up also per year and that can be new mod with anticheat.

QuoteYou clearly don't understand what actually happened with TZAC. :) chaplja abandoned the project to go back to selling cheats and was sabotaging things by overtaking accounts and banning innocent users. TZAC was going to be shut down regardless.

Then why you did not shut TZAC down imadiatelly when you are know this? Why players reregistred on new TZAC web site?
QuoteI think so better can be solution for years and no 3-4 months.

I agree. It would be nice if UAC wasn't going to be shut down, but it is. There is no other solution at the moment. So, we're using UAC. Read this.

QuoteAnd solution which is not only for offi wars, but also for training wars.

UAC can be used in any type of game, whether it is an official match or just an IRC war. Again, please read before typing.

QuoteThen why you did not shut TZAC down imadiatelly when you are know this? Why players reregistred on new TZAC web site?

Because it was still useful and we didn't have any better options? We can't just run cups/ladders without an anticheat.
sry for bad englando, pleez no copi pasterino dongerino my story, it is my story of life
Why would be change ETPro?
Unfortunately i got a shitload of work the next few months otherwise i would host a great tournament for this new mod ;((

I do like your initiative - thumbs up!
Someone host a tournament for this mod:)
I think so it is not bad idea make tournament on N!tmod. :-)
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