UseMF recruiting

- Trickjump buddies united in fragging + some loyal fanboys
- Never play seriously, like to try some rather different tactics
- Rarely practice, prefer just playing offi
- Don't have a stable lineup, never had and never will.
- I guess everything said above, makes us very low skilled

- Active
- Country doesn't matter, but speak understandable english. If the majority of the lineup is finnish, we will talk finnish in voice though, because we are dicks.
- Open minded for stupid tactics that are actually genius
- Use xfire/skype, we use irc only to search wars
- Adult
- At least low+
- Trickjumping skills are considered as a good thing, but not necessary

Contact by pm here or xfire: pupup0x

Random quote:
[21:25] <blackxzic> ootteko kuullu ennen että offissa vihun alliesin tiimi menee ekaan respaan pankin pylväisiin?

Also have an old youtube video:
At least low+ :DDDDDDDDDD
dis quote hehe
+1 for quote, otherwise: group of pricks, ruining our games
avi rg :D
AVI, best tirckjumper NA + best multihacker aim +wh GGWPNORE
Me and slarto
Those who want to join, should contact me in xfire(=as mentioned above, pupup0x). I lost the previous account's email+ password here, so I won't be able to read any pm.
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