Raiven avi for OC

Raiven vel Brandon Heat searching for team.

- playing for few years
- any class
- skill... test me if you want. important is fact if i will be usefull for team
- easy english :D
- clean
- mature

Contact: pm here or /q Raiven on #6Star.et

image: 128.460x325
true beast, gl man!

but decent player! Gl :D
ja pierdole chopie, nie za stary jestes na gierki? :D
Wreszcie mam troche czasu zeby pograc klanowo znowu, poki nie wroce do roboty :P.
GL raiven bro! hope you find work fast though <3
good luck heat van lagger! ;)
What happend with 6star?
Everything fine with Red team, but my Blue team probably won't play... again. Players won't shows up on pracs just like last season. In this case I need another, active team.
I see, well good luck to you!
good luck heat van lagger! ;)
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