Looking for some people to scrim with

Hey all.

It's been a while since I played ET properly and I'm not looking for a team. Just some fun people to play with occasionally whenever I'm at the computer as it seems that most people I used to play with's rarely online.

My schedule's a bit messed up with studies and work, that's why I can't make any commitments towards any team, just would be fun to mess around doing some proper scrims from time to time instead of just getting raped by spawnkilling mortars and one-man-panzers on pub servers.

I'm a relatively fun guy I guess and usually quite nice. Not that skilled, I've probably never ventured over med- skillwise. If you ever need a spare guy for a scrim some evening, drop me a PM!

image: SBLZy3A
im up for some games m8 :>
Im up for it :)
woop woop!
avi rg ;D
wow its been quite a while since ive last seen you, welcome back :)

if youre looking to play something casual every once in a while like me, feel free to join me in a jaymod-ish clan that ive been teaching :)
the skills vary from low/+ to med (mostly lows)

we have alot of fun playing, nobody rages or whines and stuff and to me thats the most important thing
Indeed! Thanks!

Sounds like something for me, just casual. Drop me a PM whenever you're going to play and I just might be online and up for some games, would be great fun!
kan alltid lira om de e så :D #se.et
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