CB ET Democrew Recruiting
The ClanBase ET Democrew is still alive, but we need your help. We are currently looking to recruit a few more members and are of course always accepting demo submissions.
What is a democrew?
A democrew is a small group of trustworthy players who have the time, motivation, and experience to regularly review demos of suspected cheaters and give their unbiased opinion on whether or not the player in question is cheating.It is not an official ClanBase crew position.
How do I join the democrew?
These are our requirements:- Have a traceable playing history and an active ClanBase account
- Be willing to spend a decent amount of time each week reviewing demos
- Maintain the "silent duty": keep internal information internal
- Maintain good, unbiased judgment no matter which demo you are reviewing
- A brief introduction of yourself and link to your CB account
- Your gaming history and admin experience, if applicable
- Why you want to be a democrew member
- How much time you can spend per week reviewing demos
How do I submit a demo?
Any type of demo can be submitted. It does not matter if the action took place in an official cup/ladder match, in an IRC war, or on a public server. However, we do require a few things from you.First, we obviously need a demo to review. You can either send us a .dm_84 file or a link to a match on GamesTV with a replay available. We also accept .avi files but still require the actual demo or replay as well.
Secondly, we need timestamps. This is very important, as it makes our job a lot easier if you actually let us know what we should be looking for and where and when we should be looking for it. We do not have the time or motivation to watch hours of demos simply because you have a hunch that player A was cheating.
Here's a quick example of good timestamps:
Finally, we need proof that the player in the demo is who you claim it is. This is usually not an issue if the game was played on ETTV, since we have access to server logs. However, if the demo comes from an IRC war or public server, we would need you to provide us with the server logs so that we can confirm the player's identity. Having the same in-game name as a player is not enough proof that it is actually that player.
If you'd like to report a cheater or apply to join the democrew, please send a PM to ohurcool here on Crossfire with all necessary information.
Many are quick to accuse players of cheating or admins of being lazy, but very few seem to be willing to put forth the small amount of effort it takes to send us demos with timestamps. Help us help you.
95% punish rate GG
The main purpose of recruiting more democrew members is to have a few more opinions for each review, so that innocent players are not being banned for cheating simply because one or two people saw something fishy. Banned players always have the opportunity to appeal their ban and will be provided with timestamps upon request.
We are very disappointed that you will not be applying to join the democrew.
No one
i'm not qualified enough.. because? i was wrong with chilx or m1tja? i blame everyone?
get your head out of your ass...