Need adc/jungle for 5v5 ranked LoL team !

Hello community !

Since Season 4 are starting from tomorrow, we are searching for the last player to complete our lineup.
We are already 4 guys and 1-2 backups that have been playing together for around 1 year now.

Before applying you should be able to fit in our requirements:

* Speak decent english and don't be shy in game (Have Skype for communication)
* We prefer people that is 18+ (We have a average age of something like 20-21 years old)
* Be ADC/Marksmen or jungle
* Have a decent and strong champion pool for your position
* Be around Silver I / Gold (Since we are that aswell)
* Good communication and tactical sense about the game is required !
* No flamers or whiners. We dont need any kids on our team. There is enough of that in SoloQ

Send me a msg here on CF or add me ingame: retsev

Thanks for your time!
wtfs wrong with every fucking lol player using skype when we have real gaming software for communication between gamerz
We dont wanna spend money on buying communication servers when we can get it for free? Feel free to sponsor us one.
gettin a ts3 channel for free isnt the most difficult thing to get :s
what is wrong with skype though? it works, its free and stable..
Compared to TS3 servers that sometimes break down, sometimes somebody got the pass and is trolling and being annoying. So yeah I still prefer skype as long as we dont get a private server.
Skype is 3247t3246324x more complex to use and same amount heavier to run. Also Skype messes up your sound+mic volumes automatically, you need to correct it.
we dont play on toasters
Skype is everything else BUT stable. Not to mention it lags the most out of all other comm programs out there.
Quote* Be around Silver I / Gold (Since we are that aswell)

Just a quick note, those tiers dont show player skill(unless he has played like hundreds of ranked games, then it should be quite accurate). Its like saying "hey we are searching 6th for our ETpro team, be around 23 TB rating since we are aswell".

(for example I have played pretty much only normal drafts past 2 seasons, just some rankeds to get that skin(though end s1/early s2 I played rankeds only for some time to learn different champions, pls dont do that :D). Normals to learn all champions well with my semi limited time I got.)
Fun note from this years rankeds: when I landed to silver 2 after placements, enemies were ranging from high plat-high gold, same thing at my teammates. I got +30lp from wins and -6 from losses(got like 2 or 3 of them lol). Was semi easy to get that gold v.
Dosent change the fact that you're division level is the best way to reflect what your skill is around.
I dont think our division levels does reflect our skill totally perfect either. In ranked we been against a lot of teams with players of gold, plat and even diamond players. Sometimes we lost, but sometimes we win aswell.
But its the best way to define your level, i highly doubt a bronze V guy is just as good as us, just as I dont think a Diamond 5 guy isnt better then us.
Divisions are good if person plays a lot of rankeds, otherwise you just need to tryout him couple of games.
1010 ranked games here
I've played a total of 33 ranked games. Solo queue must be the most annoying thing out there, so many _utterly_ retarded people out there.

I play quite regular against diamond or plat ranked players in my normal games, cant really say they are much better than I am.
team suk never win :$:$
QuoteHave Skype for communication

stopped reading
nice to see im not the only one who thinks real gamerz should use real comm softwarez
Adc from Diamond. I can play
QuoteHave Skype

image: hello-yes-this-is-dog
Plastic 5 jungle avi, pref Fiddlesticks and Soraka

/q me
QuoteSince Season 4 are starting from tomorrow

good to know rotfl
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