Check this : NBS #1 | Public ETPro NBS #1 | Public ETPro

24 slots (4 priv Slots)

Server location in the uk, searching for ppl who can maintain, manage the server also apply changes.

Server is sponsered.

Maps: delivery, karsia, supply, sw_goldrush, adlernest, braundorf, purefrag

Server patched and protected against exploits, bugs etc.

PM me if u are interested
People really love my name
remove bots, wtf.
who is running the server this time
guy called vapour, hes some random from jaymods or other candy mods.
How about stopping to exploit other servers you poor failing kiddo?
Look who's talking.
Yes, sorry for that sir!
Now , you could simply : image: GTFO Thank you!
I hope your ip is not from germany :)
the amount of cheaters on that ......unbelievable lol
Remove the name nbs, fucking stealer.
That one made me giggle xD You earned a medal.
OMG this kid is the biggest douche bag in the world. He makes me want to like Unforgiven
call the police xD
can't be
add library!
Die on an empty server while waiting for players dickhead
Nice server dude, no cheaters and nice settings.
Cya there
That must be the saddest attempt ever. 1 point for effort though.
Your pathetic. No wonder you have no friends.
Nice stolen server name, loser
OMG ehm... how can I say it without hurting you .....
I dont own any servers.....
How pathetic is that you accuse everyone else for your fail or your problems.
Check first your partners....
Because everyone knows your Vapour under yet another fake user name, low life.

Are your really the stupidest person on earth?
damn, that obvious? you can not hide these
NEW IP : NBS #1 | Public ETPro NEW-IP:

Have fun
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