Brink in COD Ghosts


Close as we can get.

They shoulda just slapped a COD sticker on Brink and re-released it. Woulda been more interesting than ghosts ._.
God dammit, can't believe I let noname convince me to get it >_>
Actually quite liked Brink as well, but it just felt as if it wasn't done. There were certain aspects that I really liked and some a bit less, overall I would have given it a 6 at that time I guess..
etqw was way better than brink...

even Dirtybomb / extraction is alot better, even now in beta.
Never said they were worse? Just stated I kinda liked Brink.
Yes I do think Extraction is better as well, but you have to agree that they needed Brink for this game as well, even if it failed it did help them create a better game.
i know :P
dunno think i read your comment to fast haha ;D
But yeah i agree with u !
haha du vet att jag allti vinner, btw var hittar man dig nu då ?
Msn har man ju inte kvar haha, allt bra med dig?
Brink was the shit. sadly unfinished but if it came with a proper spectator mode/ more customization options it could have been really good.
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