NBS #1 | Public ETPro and NBS #2 | Public ETPro NBS #1 | Public ETPro

Location UK, No OBJ, Maps: adler, bremen, supply, karsiah, sw_gold, braun, deli

20 slots + 4 priv , pb disabled, 60 min maptimelimit NBS #2 | Public ETPro

Location UK, No OBJ, Maps: supply, deli

20 slots + 4 priv, pb disabled, 120 min maptimelimit
location UK ok cu there :))))))))))
60 min time limit lol
Cool name
LoL .... servers full.

i3D empty
my psw isnt working ffs
Apology, small correction: The maptimelimit in the second server is 666 min, but you can vote to load nextmap, in this case supply or deli. NBS #2 | Public ETPro

Location UK, No OBJ, Maps: supply, deli

20 slots + 4 priv, pb disabled, 666 min maptimelimit

I wish you a nice evening.
Servers guaranteed to be up 12+ months!

Happy fragging guys!
We are about to extend our contract on 36 months.
Yes good investment ET has 3 more years left easily.
image: 896a6bae5ae737de783b0b546f4040a3
dont get it, 2nd server gets extended?
both servers NBS #1 and NBS #2 for 3 years.
who cares you have incompetent admins :)
I was playing under name Marko, lagged hard btw on #1
Guy comes renames himself to marko, plays in axis team and aimbots hard. He had like 18xp when I had almost 200xp and my slot number should be lower than his right? Well guess who got kicked :D
After I came back I got also vote kicked, when this guy was changing names hard, so much about ur refs.
Slotnumber doesnt say anything, e.g. if you have 22 and 6 is free then he gets slotnumber 6.
there were 3 different IPs assigned to the Cheaters. IP-ranges already banned.
Still searching for competent Refs ;)
follow says a lot brah :) find someone who knows atleast which slot is right xD

oh btw thought about sponsored server, why it gets extended if its sponsored?
sponsored by privat person
Wow you are still a child, using an old name of mine? going on my facebook? downloading photo's LOL! please grow up little hater :D
120 mins of supply or especially delivery with no obj.. fun times
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