Fake profile of me, well a few..

Well it seems wierd that a month i return back to ET, people have downloaded my pictures, made fake accounts, even payed for servers to trying fool other people (why waste you money) anyway.. Someone named impulsive96 on here is a fake/troll also someone payed for a nbs server or some shit but i went there and the owner was snipa or somin and yeh someone keeps downloading my photos to there computer and i don't know what use they have for them but ah if i got a secret lover so be it.

Well just to let you know, I enjoyed playing ET All these wonderful years and this is the most weirdest way ever to leave a game, I guess cause kids play it now so will the pedophiles but Ok I guess that's how people roll these days, Cya ET, Had my fun and now I'm off to the real world!

dafuq did I just read
who the fuck are u and what the fuck is this about.
Nobody cares about your jaymod drama.
Love that xfire hate :D
Who even are you?
Can't we just ban all of them together.
All of them = OP
go away
Stop the Jaymod drama and start play, or gtfo ..
Hmm ... the fuck you want ?
nobody gives a fuck
we hate you
dafuq :DD
Good luck in the real world mEIGHT
It's a serious problem, internet police is on it's way.
omg u so popular everyone just wants to be you omg
Quote i return back to ET

Quotei return


1 month and 19 days
Profile hits: 194

wtf did you do, find this site and after a week you took a little break cus your fingers hurt?
Quote3 years, 3 months and 15 days
Profile hits: 859

Profile hits: 859
lol, point being?
readed all the comments, the best one was from seareal with chinese porn industry.
I find that very entertaining. Please tell me more about that problem.
haha finally got you! It was me who fake accounted you, good you are leaving now so I can use my old nick again.

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