need some players

Yo CF,
as topic says I need few players to complete the lineup/backup of my new something. I do not want to define it as a team project right now because I do not know what will it bring but after few months of inactivation and 2 weeks of active mixing I felt a need of having own spot.

I have already gathered some Poland players interersting in giving it a try ( darkles, nameway, snorli, me, kuna ), but it does not say it cannot change very soon

I know there are not so many active players as it used to be so we plan to paly paly as often as we gather ourselves.
I'd like to complete the squad of more than 6 players - a greater chance to play more often.
I won't lie that we prefer polish players, but every decent english speaker will be nicely welcomed too.

If you are interested in, message me here @ CF for more infos. Cheers.
QuoteI'd like to complete the squad of more than 6 players - a greater chance to play oftener.

- More often.

You should pick igieu, skilled and brained. So known, almost as other 6o6 polaks trash which can ruin anykind of fun in that game.
he cannot handle igieu :< too strong
sometimes i wish i could play oftener image: bth_Kappa
guess it'll be hard to get non-polish players on the team, if the lineup will be 5 from poland and 1 from other country :/ would be a massive chaos on ts, when 90% of players talking polish and 1 with decent english :D gl tho! :)
thanks for comment but I managed to gather only polish fags squad, anyway I did not put any greater interest in searching for english speaking guys, but I didn't want to reject them plus I wanted to be polite. cheers.
take some jelly take some fish nook it in a sandwich deeeeelish
just make sure you don't eat a real jelly fish !!!
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