setting up a server that IS etpro with rtcw sounds and stuff.. Just for the rtcw fans! Will add a return to the castle wolfenstein map cycle :P and well if theres anything else from rtcw you like tell me and il add it..
I hope you get friends for Christmas.
faggot I got friends :)
those 4 bots on ur server do not count!
i wish no one becomes this guy friend for xmas it would be a tragedy for whoever has to

beside mr.snowstorm will your super duper cool etpro server include your amazing home made anti-cheat? who the fuck wants to play a shitier version of RTCW using stupid mods on ET ffs this idea is stupid as fuck couldnt expect much from you whoever you are for the sake of this dieing game can you take your bullshit ideas to make friends elsewhere and leave this community in peace insted of offering people free teamspeak servers just go give your money away to homeless people in the streets on christmas day
Are you dumb? Your saying i cheated on a fully working anticheat? I think your abit stupid to say that! Also wheres your proof! Maybe your abit fucked up, this is etpro mod with the original rtcw stuff :L My bullshit ideas? Lol my ideas can help the community but no your all so dumb your want the etpro mod xD which is just a pk3 nothing else :L so thick!
yes, the whole community is dumb, you are the only smart one here, hail the saviour :D!

btw "thick"? i got a feeling you dont like overweight people :s
I bet he's either fat or super skinny himself
Well when i do some work to get the etpro feeling into a mod that had anticheat all i got was hate :L people like this aint etpro? Same settings, they only twined because they had to change a config and that there cheats don't work. Is this etpro now? A list of cheats? I think so :D
Really ?
Who the fuck will play on a fucked up Server using RTCW-like/stupid mods on ET and where the admin is cheating..... Like the other one etpro server u made few weeks ago with "custom ala homemade" anticheat. I can only say ROFL. Just get some friends for xmas....
Same applies for you
Thank you for the interest, but no... lol
Yep thats bullshit because my server has been silent mod for a month :) shit should come from your arse not your mouth and lol get friends everyone says?! Is it because i have friends that you people are getting mad? Lol you bitchs bum et everyday xD low lifes :D
In any case you should not try to sell us the silent mod anticheat as etpro_3.2.7.pk3 or you or your clanmates shouldnt cheat on other servers like HBC... Btw the etpro_3.27.pk3 brought everything messed up in my ET.

So you gave up ur homemade Anticheat project and you are trying to setup a RTCW server based on ET... RTCW'ETPRO Mod
Do we have to download any etpro_3.2.1337.pk3 file?
For the rest i dont give a fuck.
nah just want to play some rtcw as the rtcw game is empty
h8 @ christmas
Merry Christmas m8
I think you should stop posting already.
i see what you did there
Actually I don't get why people hate on you so much, you are trying to do something for the community and all you get is hate. EXPLAIN
Cause these so called "pro" admins can't connect to an anticheat server :D
oh fuck off with your anticheat bullshit you didnt code anything you are just a piece of shit no one is interested the least in your lies and walls of bullshit you are so fucking pathetic you even wallhacked against a Jaymod girl on te_valhala and lost to her
WTF are you talking about a jaymod girl? are you some retarted fuck?! There was an anticheat you little fuck so shut the fuck up ya stuttering prick :D ah my lies? What lies?!?! LOL your the one making up bullshit here you larl fag xD
And judging by you :) your the name changer cheat from nbs :D so funny what a few things can find! Little bullshitting cunt :D
you were on there for 87 seconds then they kicked you for cheating ahahaha crono your a silly cunt!! :D
name changer on NBS? last time i played on this fucking shit server was for like 20 minutes 2 and a half year ago your the one making up bullshit you fucking cunt allowing r_shownormals 1 with your retarded corupted server config just so you can hack and pretend your good yet get bashed so fucking easily
i knew you were a hacking cwel crono :XD
ye cause this guy is a legit source of information when he claims to code his own anticheat and says every person on clanbase is hacking

nice .55 ban crono.
merry christmas your hack bastaardaksjs hxd klol see your boxin dayys love youhysn
Atleast he didnt bust you with notepad :D
gl with this idea!
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