JoinTheForce is looking for talent!

image: jtfgekleurd

JoinTheForce is a vastly growing community.
Every day people meet either in-game or on one of our TeamSpeak servers.
We have dedicated servers for various popular games.
Our own members can join them without restrictions.
Our admins and members keep each other up to date
through posts on the website and forum and support each other where necessary.
Online and Offline events are being held regularly in which our members can participate. When playing competitively or playing for fun,
there is enough to be found within our community.

What does JoinTheForce expect from you?

x We prefer stable and (high) skilled team(s)
x Good communication with our staff
x Clean and active players with good history
x Playing ladders or participating in 1 day cups / tournaments
x Attending one or two offline events in the Benelux like the-party, the reality or fom.

image: vuist_high

What does jointheforce offer you?

x Website and space to give you're team full exposure
x Teamspeak3, Gameserver(s)
x Experienced, dedicated and friendly Staff
x Lan support up to three teams
x A reliable, instantly growing multigaming organisation
x Discount on our own event
x An opportunity to grow within the organization if you have this aspiration.

Email: [email protected]
Or team apply on our forum.
Xfire: flamingskull26
steam: |JTF| Flamingskull
Best of luck
i didnt know MoH had a competitive side
Welkom terug wax! Veel succes bij het rekruteren!
Hi timbolina, jij ook nog steeds hier ;)
Bedankt voor je support en bijdrage...
good luck
"x We prefer stable and (high) skilled team(s)"

"x Lan support up to three teams"

"x Attending one or two offline events in the Benelux like the-party, the reality or fom."


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