Combined fixes

I created a pack with exploit fixes for especially etpro and other mods.

The pack includes a folder named etpro with modified etpro files ('^3WARNING^7: Server improperly installed!' got removed). This will allow etpro server admins to host wwwdl_overflow_fix or ET 3.00 without a warning text.

I updated the globalcombined (combinedfixes) lua and it's version 4 now.
This lua should work on all mods.

Notice: Add "set b_gameformat 6" to your server.cfg or config to restrict sniper rifle to 1 per team.

-- changelog:
-- ip name/chat blocker for public servers
-- duplicate name/guid kick
-- typo fix on /ref and /rcon
-- fixed an exploit with team command
-- contains some fixes by Perlo_0ung?!
-- implented b_gameformat check
-- removed obsolete/unused stuff
-- based on combinedfixes.lua
-- first release
-- all original work copyright -> [email protected]

Just add "set lua_modules "globalcombined.lua" to your server.cfg to run this lua.

Download link:
good i don't own a server
hello, are u SnowStorm?
Hell no, my sh't works :D
How have you got kmod+ to work :D tried everything still no joy :P..
started to fix stuff. It's still buggy but the settings right now are working :P

I succest to leave settings like they are and take kspree/rspree lua for sprees and heavyweapon.lua to auto set like war settings.
str8up mon!!
good work bro, nice to see you back. You play again too?
hey, yes playing here and then on TeamMuppet servers. :P
How are you?
heh fine man ty, you?
kinda busy with coding alot etc so not much time for ET:p
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