Lag and resolution problems

It has been a while since I've played ET, now I want to pick it up again.

My first thought where that it would run much smoother then before, but too bad it is worse.

- Lag my FPS is below 50
- Can't get the resolution 1920x1080
- Won't load my complet autoexec, when I try "/exec autoexec.cfg" it looks like it loads half of it.
- Can't use all the mouse buttons

The specs I'm running currently:
AMD Phenom II X6 @ 3,2Ghz
8GB DDR Corsair XMS3
Asrock Extreme3 970
Crucial m4 SSD 64gb
Windows 8.1

How can I solve those problems so I can normaly run ET.
Hi long time no see. I never expected you to ever be back again :D
Don't know about the fps lag but just a heads up about your mouse buttons.

My mouse button's work but I get mouse lag in game so it's hard for me to track anyone.
r_mode -1
r_customwidth 1920
r_customheight 1080
FPS - r_primitives 2
Maybe some fpsboost settings aswell (if you don't have those already) - r_picmip 3, r_fastsky 1, r_detailtextures 0

For your config, get the settings from your autoexec and put them in:
etmain - profiles - x - etconfig
etpro - profiles - x - etconfig

Put "unbindall" in top of your autoexec and you should be good to go.
For the config part, its possible to execute configs out of subfolders
Like; bind x "exec randomfolder/autoexec" .. should actually fix his problem though*
i have bind x cfg/cfg.cfg :)
use linux
make sure you vid_restart after exec'ing your autoexec.cfg otherwise what all of the ppl above said except for seareal
check your r_mode r_customwidth r_customheight
Hey Roach, long time no see :) never expected it too, but the newer games can't satisfy me. :P

I've maked the changes to my config, hope it will work. :)

PS. I also added this to my ET icon on the desktop, found it on interntet.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\et.exe" +r_mode "-1" +r_customwidth "1920" +r_customheight "1080" +cg_fov "115" +set com_hunkmegs "768" +vid_restart
Nah me neither but playing ET now just isn't the same :(
Stopped playing actively at the end of 2009 and completely in 2011
cuz you have shit cpu
Haha because AMD?

Thanks all, ET runs fine now. :)
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