Playing Ducks e.V. searching +1 GER high for Extraction


Playing Ducks e.V. is currently searching a player for Extraction. Currently only searching for a German player who played on a high level in RTCW/ET/ETQW.
We are a very experienced team who has been playing together for many years now. Check out more details about us below:

About us:
  • playing Extraction for over 1 year now
  • very experienced team
  • playing together for years
  • players come from RTCW/ET/ETQW
  • ex-Team Germany players within our ranks
  • highly competitive
  • a special humour and a funny atmosphere :P

  • Played on a high level RTCW/ET/ETQW
  • History
  • Motivated to take a new challenge

>> Don't expect an ET2!!! <<

As you can see we've already found a clan where everything is organised, so all you need to do is come and play! :)
If you meet the requirements we would like to meet you!


#extraction @Quakenet -> Rex or PDucks|zero
ICQ: 313188227 (Rex)
(You can also pm me, but I don't check it that often)
icq still aliveeee!!!!!11 :D
i am avi to test extractions again, i have stopped playing it 5 month ago and got some free time ( depends on how many times u wanna play )
Quoteplaying Extraction for over 1 year now

It's really out for that long? :O
+ when it's released, lol?
yes closed-beta is out for so long. the problem is that they don't get it done :p there were so many changes from week to week that it was almost unplayable because on one day your class did good dmg and the day after u could shoot hours to kill one
why you guys dont meet your own requirements?

trying to find good and exp. player to boost your skill as a team or what?
high skill is considerd to be the highest level of difficulty in a game, but if a gme doesnt really have any competition isnt everyone highskilled? i mean im pretty sure id w00p his ass without my mouse pluged in (wich i did in few wars just for lulz - but got stupid since i couldnt turn around the map and the oppo would just go wtf?)
good luck!
omg rex omg!

Is the game still way too heavy for what it should be?
Gl ! Nice guys with great teamplay. They're indeed the best Extraction team atm.

Unfortunately the game is still far from good (imo).
wer is von et im lu? is das spiel gut/ hat zukunft? :D
ist doch für dich eh nichts :D du bist nachm Monat doch eh wieder weg :D
Rex., zero., j4b*, abnorm, Fleury, Kordin, Onyx, scre4m, pulley, Laggeriuz
die stehen im team weil du ja wissen wolltest wer von et :D einzige der mir was davon sagt ist j4b wenns der von rTg ist?
Jop, der j4b von rTg ;) Lagger, abnorm sind ebenfalls von ET und ich auch ein bisschen.
klär mich mal auf hier :/

is das so n neuer gaming hype, was ca. 3 monate bestand hat?
Meinste jetzt das game oder wie? :D
na klar! was du bist weiß ich doch :D
dachte jetzt generell :D ich hab ehrlich gesagt keine ahnung, hab bis gerade noch nie von dem spiel gehört :D davon abgesehen hab ich seit über 2 monaten auch nicht mehr gezockt :D Aber mal sehen wenn da ET spieler so gefragt sind schau ich es mir mal an :D
Ja, wir suchen ausdrücklich nur Spieler aus RTCW/ET/ETQW.
CoD- und BFler kannste alle in die Tonne kloppen^^
Warum eigentlich? Ähnelt das Spiel so sehr den Wolfenstein Spielen?
Und das CoD- und BFler bei solchen Spielen alt aussehen ist ja nichts neues :b
würde ich nicht grade meine daten sichern für ne (eh unnötige) formatierung, dann würd ich mirs mal laden. den beta-key kann man ja nach nem einfachen psychotest bekommen ^^
Sei froh, du kannst danach wenigstens zocken, ich bin nur mit nem dreckigen Web-Stick online...
4 jahre lang bundeswehr - ich kenn das problem :D
Naja da hatte es ja nen Grund, bei mir ists eher so das die Telekom nichts hinbekommt :D
butchji , drago , ramin , snoop and TBA
Sounds low man
GermanyChief nicon is the missing piece
rofl PD searching on CF :D

this game is allready released? didnt noticed ;o
nope u havent miss anything
I am your man rex. I speak German well.
Still searching!
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