Game starts lagging after playing 2 or 3 maps


for some reason my game starts lagging after playing anywhere between 20 to 60 minutes.
I suspected it might be antivirus or any other software's autoupdate. I made sure to shut down avast and turn off windows autoupdates but the issue remains. Once the game starts lagging the only thing that helps is quitting and starting ET again. Below you can see my lagometer during lag. Any ideas how to fix this? Many thanks in advance for any help!

image: vr9dsz
I have similar problem
To be fair, my lagometer looks a bit different (higher lah spikes + I have that blue shit weird), but for me, it's about the servers. Suddenly it started on some french + ger servers, as far as I know im good on most of the nl servers.

I didnt try to delete PB or smth, have you tried that?
Maybe it's ddos!
100% not :P
nah, I need punkbuster for the servers I'm playing on
for me when it's normal there's a thin blue line instead of that jagged yellow crap
Disabled nvidia threaded optimization already?
Set r_primitives 2 in config? +pb_sleep 500
Scanning for Junk/virus/malware
- -
I remember avast had smth like "stream updates" which caused lags to me aswell back in the days
Try Hijack this to sort out unwanted registry-leftovers and or suspicious other crap*
Thanks Khorus! I definitely have threaded optimization turned off, but I'll try these cvars as well + clean up my system a bit. I'll see today if it works better:)
I turned off avast streaming updates and it all worked fine for 5+ maps
Thanks again!!:)
ah it must be something else, problem appeared again:(
is there perhaps someone out there with win8.1 and a GTX gfx card who can play ET perfectly fine without flaws?

Could YOU (the person matching the above description:)) send me your cfg/nvidia control panel settings? I keep getting the above explained problem, which as it seems is an interpolation/extrapolation issue where my client does not render the visuals correctly using the packets that were sent to it by the server
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