Splendid-Gaming are looking for cup admins for various games!

Splendid-Gaming are looking for cup admins for various games. We are hoping to get a wide selection of people taking part to help out with the community. We are trying to get people involved by offering some money for admins who participate within the organization and help out with cups, leagues and various other events. We have a wide selection off offers to people who may me interested in taking part. So we hope this catches your attention.

Here is a little bit of information about what the tournaments require and what the payment salary that the admins will receive.

1. Admin needs to create 4 cups per month (1 per weekend).
2. A minimum of 16 teams must be involved in every cup.
3. Entry fee is 10 Credits.
4. First Place - 100$
Second Place - 50$
5. Admin salary:
Cups with 16-26 teams - 5$
Cups with 27-48 teams - 30$
Cups with 49-64 teams - 80$
Cups with 65-100 teams - 150$
Cups with 101+ teams 300$

In the meantime, admins will receive instructions regarding the creation of varied sponsored cups and big tournaments LAN/online.

NOTICE: There might be more information added at a later date considering we had not created a fully completed organizing plan. Any added information will be updated in time.

If there are anyone who is interested then please feel free to contact me on the following.

E-Mail: [email protected]
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/SplendidGaming.eu
Website: www.Splendid-Gaming.eu

Your Sincerely

Management Team.
Double the salary for cups 16-26 teams, half the amount of cups that need to be organized each month and you can count on me.
This aint for just wolfenstien enemy territory, its for other various games, no offense, but games that are more active and alive! But I still want to bring ET reunited.
I didn't mention ET in my reply :P
what game then? maybe we can arrange a deal.
CS:GO, LoL preferably
Sure, well do you have steam or any contact information? ill get back to you as soon as possible
Sure, add vanchief on steam.
it's pointless, splendid is full of empty promises so I doubt they'd pay out these prizes so eventually you would just stand there looking like an ass when teams are crying for the moneyz
Kalli, remember you were part of Splendid-Gaming at one point? you got yourself kicked for childish behaviour and unprofessional work. Don't tell me how Splendid-Gaming will work, because everything we have done so far has been legit, we aint going to make promises we cannot keep, looks bad on us, but have a good day.
I didn't get kicked you twat, I left so I can continue with DreaM gaming after he picked you and your cheater mates up as an ET squad and because Dennis is a prick without any clue about eSports

Edit: funny how you post the same comments multiple times on purpose and when I quote "childish behaviour" and comment it with "look who's talking" you delete them
Don't worry.
Kalli can only rage, even his mate on his TS says he rages all the time.
Probably one fat ass kid(just turned 18) with man-boobs, were Pamela Anderson would be jealous on, who gets bullied all the time, so he has to be a bully on the net too.

PS: he never told this: but he used to bread rabbits. Little rabbit lover boy. Don't ask me what he did with all those rabbits...
Makes no sense if you competed with them.
On the other hand, since you always rage like that. I perfectly can imagine that the 'cute' little kid, who bread rabbits, suddenly starts to rage and eats them raw.
"oh Marius, why oh why' ;)
ahaha faggot got kicked, kekekeke
What are credits?
Ah. Good luck, though I have doubts about the concept.
What are your doubts exactly?
4. First Place - 100$
Second Place - 50$

Cups with 101+ teams 300$

Why would 101+ teams put in 10 dollars so that 1 team out of 100 gets some money, which is only 10% of the actual entryfees combined. Just to be able to play some matches? Nah..

It's fair to pay the cup admin surely, but start it off higher and don't set the targets so high.
A cup with 100 teams is just insanity.

Spread the money better, lower your targets and you'll get to something others, sometimes succesfully, do as well.

25/25/50 organisation/admin/prizepool already sounds a lot better in my opinion, still not fair enough, but better for a starting company (not that ur starting cuz u guys have been starting for ages now) that needs money to grow. Makes it a bit more rewarding for a team to actually go for first place. (If actually 100 teams, I'm pretty sure some teams that believe they are good would invest 10 dollars in making 500).

e: and then 16 teams with same prizepool doesn't make any sense.
I'd really do the prizepool and admin reward percentage based.
Thank you for your input, but at the moment regardless what anyone say's we will be sticking with this plan and the lay out. We are hoping to be participating within games that are rather popular and that can handle over 100 teams, but its not guaranteed we will get over that amount of teams so we think about the other level, we will try this for a few weeks and see what happens, if nothing works out then we will change it.
E: nvm.

Was wrong of me to actually think there was common sense within SPLD.
I'd still wish you good luck though.

(btw: You are already almost changing plans with Timbolina above, let's not make changes that have already been thought trough perfectly )
I said 'Maybe we can arrange a deal' only because I know timbolina, but that's not the point. Like I said, thank you for your input.
Didn't mean that, I understood that it means the pool for a cup with few teams.

I know it won't work because people playing ET are cheap-asses who won't pay a dime, except few people for bots. Mostly because of only few teams have a change to win the pot and / or it is spread unevenly, can't really put a prize between divisions and groups.
gl, i hope there will be atleast 1 cup/month of ET :D
Thank you, we hope so too!
Cups with 101+ teams 300$

2ez with 1o1 format.
fuck you dude
you always post stuff i wanna write
no, fuck you
its u trying to post stuff which i have already written
ja pierdole kurwa big mac
its not an argument.
jestem hardkorem this is an argument u polski
ofc it is, but its not explaining ur tries to sunbathe in the glow of my awesomeness.
Hey, do you have any contact information? steam or anything?
Just kidding, sorry. :P ET for life!

Good luck though!
hëhëhë very fucking funny
First Place - 100$

What does the amount of prizemoney they are offering for their tournaments have to do with ET's activity level?
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