gari also avi

Well, it's been a long time ago since I did my last offi, played in a team and knew how to do headshots (somehow)..

After 4 years of inactivity I want to play active again and would be able for the upcoming events and beyond.

Some infos 'bout me, myself and I:

- Germany
- smg engi, fops, reviving medic (the tactical obj-guy)
- able to speak quite fluent english, but GER prefered
- avi on mondays, wednesdays, sundays
- well ... I'd say, I'm low skilled but I can't calculate when I'm totally back in this game
- sometimes funny, sometimes just a typical german guy
- 6on6 prefered.

Just send me a message, hit me up on IRC or smth.

Hi to my good old friends (army-time is finally over - time to nerd), upcoming friends! <3
ET needs more teams, look at all these people coming back!
Seems, that the cless returning people should open a team ^^
GL gabi! :)
Lebt der auch noch x)
Thx gnome :)
Welcome back :)
viel glück :D
np. solln wa?
Wenn du nen carrier hast, gerne!
jemand der 3 mal besser ist als ihr 2 zusammen
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