#.v. cup AGAIN! 2nd admin busted?

Seems like play0r wasn't the only one using cheats,

as you can see:


he has lots of etproguids in the same pbguid :D

*Rolls eyes*
solid proof
rofl, i have million pbguids too on the same etproguid bcuz my brother fuckup my etfolder with strange shit and i need to reinstall it once per 2months.
reinstall et :O ? that doesnt give u a new et pro guid
edited :PPP
haha ok ;) but thats something different then that u got millions of etpro guids @ a pb guid
haha he had no et guid @ all too onetime :P
yea i CHEAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

(changing software all wars ) !

u busted me ? oh shit
u change ur hardware everyday?
not everyday but the last summer and after i got unknown etpro ( you can ask doneX who helped me ) , after i got new etpro guid then annother , i don't know how but that change...

if you want my demos vs you @ the cup i can give it to you ;)

you are just a lowskiller wnb
ya, low skill! WANNABE
like someone wants to be lowskilled, get a life dickhead
well he has loads of etpro guids n such, but it doesnt prove he cheats, he could be using 10 computers for all we know ;)
only 1 but i changed my motherboard 2 times ( grilled ;p ) in my ET career :D but dunno why i have too much guids ;s !

this nme is just a retard ..
im a retard!
but, i dunno why
could be some usb shit, win98 or some random linux
QuoteLUYAH on 08/04/07, 15:31:11 PM | Reply

only 1 but i changed my motherboard 2 times ( grilled ;p ) in my ET career :D but dunno why i have too much guids ;s !

this nme is just a retard ..

he has more then 2 diff guids :( seems like his excuse failed?
this says anything about the usb hardware or system he is using.
also, the pbguid seems more based on the etkey and not any hardware special things, even with chaning ur mainboard 10 times, it would stay the same.

In addition, what reason is there to change his ETPro key? Do you see ANY etpro key on any banlist or did he just own u?
well, might be, or not!
he still says his teammate (clan & admin aswell) is just skilled :D
so, i believe he is guilty!
i'd say remove this entry and come back when u have some solid proves? plz?
i would say, go get some drink at rl :)

you mean that if someone has more then XXXXX etproguids, he is not a cheater! it's god using them for him!
pls die :D
look at the dates when the guids changed and get a clue, this is not even nearly a prove for anything, aslong as no etpro guid is busted anywhere - and aslong as he as nearly the same nick and never (as it looks) deleted the etkey file, its easy getting this amount of guids.
The guid can change by plugging in some USB stick or USB headphones.


I've just reinstalled ET after a HDD crash, still I have the same guid with a new hdd and lossing 2 s-ata hdds. My PBGuid would have been the same aswell if I have had the posibility to save the etkey file. Anyway, there is no reason to even think about a cheater because a "BETA" etpro guid (read the bani forum)
true , chosen don't be tired to explain to this retard ' what mean cheat ' and what mean ' etpro guids ' ..

he is just a retard ..
omg, u sir are an asshole, how many times i pluged in headsets and diff stuff at usb port, tell me, what does usb has to be with Et? are u retard or smtg? If you trying to defend ur litle friend, go suck someone else :)
hf :D
everyone knows what it means , if u don't, try it
Go and ask mr. google (etpro forum even better) before idiotic flaming!
ok sir

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LUYAH=haxor fo sho :p
hahaha unki <3 had wald lkhahba ddart lih 3hs f to9ba ta3ou ga3 le match ou ma rdache khassou lhwa !
haha lol m7aye7 3lihom a weld l9ehba <3 m3a ina team la3b nta?
m3a hta wahda ghir je merc ;) walakine skilled merc ;pp haha ma kayn ghr lhwa
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