cloud9 in need of new faces

Hi ladies and gentlemens.

Since we had some problemes with some players : dimm and miluu totally disapeared , we waited them for one week but now we need to replace this guys fast !!!
What we need is good eng smg , 2 medics with one allrounder for eng/2nd fops ....
Need serious guys who are sure to play/active , we had problemes with some players before and we won't do it again and again !!

our roster :
France eraz
Finland metsuri
Poland szczurek
Anonymous tba
Anonymous tba
Anonymous tba

Estonia sCope
Poland btw'

Feel free to contact our CL on IRC : #r@g /q eraz/erazOFF

Thx for your time all !!
I knew about dimm haha.
gl :)
who didn't except for a few fools :p
Are you that ugly that you need a new face?:O
you never saw szuszu face ?! you are lucky !! :DD
actually I did :o
actually I did :o
Glad to see Zuzu stuck :3
avi ,y miggas
Good luck! ;)
thx man !!
miluu dogface
miluu always disappears xD
avi szczurek :D
gl boys :)
thx mate :)
avi !
medic/engi rifle /engi smg
can talk Netherlands & United Kingdom
Avi monday wednesday and ( friday saturday if needed )
pm kApot / kApot`OFF on irc :)
or just pm me xfire
sup with hsf ?
we don't play much & it was just for fun.
i'm looking for a stable team :)
so i really wanna join c9 :)
somehow i remember this clanname :) gl anyway!
slyszalem ze cweli nie biora :D
słyszałem że niektórzy mają też coś do załatwienia, np wizę w Krakowie, no ale cóż.
avi after this week as medic/2nd engi, if needed :)
Avi, can play offi tonight!
good luck
avi /pm
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