Need 1 for tryout

Need one player for tonights tryout
-Med or better
-Any class
-Willing to speak in czech (you need just a couple of words)

/q me on irc @ quish
Quoteyou need just a couple of words

ano to sem ja
Jaky mate lu? Jelikoz se bojim, ze by me nekdo neschvalil, ale avi kdyztak :D
quish, sklamak, tezaxo, paradox, desitka... No taky jsi me napadl a vylozene odpor jsem neslysel :D Nekdo tam jen prohodil, ze kdyz ted hrajes casto, tak ses lepsi nez jsi byval. Jestli tu vecer budes, tak bychom mohli zkusit .)
:D Haha, tak to jsem rad... kdyztak mi napiste PM tady, nebo at mi sklamca napise na fb...
avi avi avi
i know kurva and kravo, is this enough?
hranolky parek v rohliku

am I in?
skoda <3
Comeback incoming? :-*
nööö nööö bin et rentner ;D
amen bruder.
how many czech words are neccessary to learn??
do prdele, to je vůl, dejte do toho srdíčko, žid, cikán, sráč
Well if you can tell us where the enemy is and understand where the enemy is from our comments you should be ready to go

-count to six
-left, right, up, down
-going, coming, reviving
and so on
you guys don't understand English, or what's the point to say info's in czech?
I was wondering the same too xD
Of course we do. I just find it unnecessary to speak in english just because of one foreigner.
well I think it's not that hard to say "main" or "side", "one" or "two" for example, even though there would be only 1 player from another country, but that's just my opinion. :p
well its not that hard to learn it in czech
pitchku di wolle na FK teplice u praha :DD
ja sem twoj tatinek
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