
Is this cmd allowed. I dont know if it is but if you start ET with cg_gun_frame 2 on it it will crash.

Help me plz !
i use this only @luger / colt... it only crash et im map change.. so... make a script
o thats why my et crashes all the time :x
Actually u are able to play wth it, if u set it to 1 after having joined a team, and set it back to 0 before the next map is loaded.
and what does that cvar do?.)
it removes gun kickback
you mean liek some weapon animation/screen shaking when shooting?

edit_ tested it... lol at cg_gun_frame 2
try cg_gun_frame 14 rofl
No, it removes the animation. It doesn't affect the actual recoil. cg_drawgun 0 is a far more reasonable way of doing this.
it always seemed to me, that the cvar also influences the recoil of my xhair, because it almost doesent "goes up" when shooting wth cg_gun_frame 1.
But u as a etpro developer, surly know more about this.
It's pretty easy to verify that the actual recoil doesn't change, even without the source.

Note that recoil is somewhat random, so you have to do a reasonable number of shots to get a meaningful result.

b_placebo 1337
seta b_endround "cg_gun_frame 0" this will help
Use it like this:
bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 2; set cg_drawgun 0; set cg_autoreload 1; set cg_gun_frame 1"
bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 3; set cg_drawgun 0; set cg_autoreload 0"
bind 1 "weaponbank 1; set cg_drawgun 1"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2; set cg_drawgun 0; set cg_autoreload 1; set cg_gun_frame 1"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3; set cg_drawgun 0; set cg_autoreload 0"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4; set cg_drawgun 1"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5; set cg_drawgun 1"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6; set cg_drawgun 1"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7; set cg_drawgun 1"
bad idea, changing autoreload a lot lags you out.
Iam using it for quite a long time now....
No lags at all.
i use autoreload on for pistol, off for smg, np for me
you dont need "set" infront of everything tbh
to set a variable to a value for a limited amount of time, its better to use the command set, which was exactly made for this kind of scripts, and not only the cvar itself.
cg_drwagun 0 plZX
no effect with drawgun 0 ?
the effect remains, difficult to explain, just try it yourself and you will "feel" it.
what does this do? :o
it removes gun kickback
also denn chasch mit de luger wie mit de mp spile? oO
Du häsch kein rückstoss meh, bi keinere waffe.
ja ebe, denn ziet d luger nüm ue oder?
lol isch ja voll hax und so
es wirkt sich ned wahnsinnig uus imfall.
ich benuzes eh ned, willds et denn mängisch crashed
ja mom mal
ziet denn s fadechrüz bi de luger nüm ue
oder nur d textur vo de luger?
auds fadekrüz, das isch jo ds luschtige am ganze.
probiers uus, es lod dich ned so vil besser werde imo
ET.exe hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden.
jaja das ist die problematik....
you can play with it but before the map changes you have to change it to 0 otherwise et will crash
you can't start the game with a value, you have to change it when you are ingame.

np! :)
You're able to play with it, but your ET will crash when the server changes from map if you have /cg_gun_frame 1 or higher.

I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed.
b_startround "cg_gun_frame 1"
b_endround "cg_gun_frame 0"

Tell me, was that difficult? =P
b_beginround "cg_gun_frame 1"
b_endround "cg_gun_frame 0"
do i have to set "set" infront

or how to make it work?
this cmd was just retarded
omfg it sucks!!!!! get drawgun 0....

with luger/colt you cant see much things in the right sight of you screeen, its sooooo stupiiid rofl :DDDD

seriously: it rly lames :P
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