Find wars on #et.invite

Hello crossfire!

Since most ET players are pissed off of regularly finding a cheater among the opponents, or blatant flamers who make you wonder who they are, I decided to create an invite-only channel where players can find trustworthy wars of any format and mercs.


For being able to join you have to be authenticated to the quakenet's bot Q and you must pm one of the admins for giving you an invitation. Once you are in the channel an admin will set you auto voice so you will be able to send messages to the channel.

Then you should immediately set yourself +j so Q will automatically re-invite you in case you log off and on again. You can do this by the following command: /msg Q chanlev #et.invite yournickname +j

The admins are currently hazz and me (irc names: hazz and DrLagAlot / DrOFFAlot )

How to create an account with Q:

How to auto login at Q and auto join the channel: and add the following lines to your perform:

/MSG [email protected] AUTH yournick yourpassword
/j #et.invite


[x] You must always be authenticated with Q while being on the channel.
[x] You must always have your real nick while being on the channel.
[x] You must use your real nick (or something that makes people know who you are) on the server
[x] You may not excessively flame your opponent on the server (swearing every now and then is okay)
[x] You may not use the channel for any other purpose than finding opponents or a merc
[x] You may not play togheter with (known) cheaters and/or players who you and the players you play with have never heard of while searching on the channel.
[x] You may not type the same message multiple times within a short period of time, especially when noone or hardly anyone joined the channel or posted after you.

If people violate these rules please send a message including a screenshot or a demo proving the violation to an admin.

In order to find a war you must enter exactly the following information: format (2on2/3on3...), the skill (please rate yourself as exactly as you can), your lineup (must be accurate and must not contain cheaters) and whether you have a have a server or not (hs/ns). If you would like to search for an official ladder match just simply add a word such as "offi". The exact lay out does not matter at all.

For example: 3on3 med (hazz, cursEs, DrLagAlot) ns

If you are an available merc you are allowed to simply write stuff like: merc avi

Not respecting the channel rules will lead to a mute or a ban off the channel.

The admins are currently hazz and me (irc names: hazz and DrLagAlot / DrOFFAlot )

Hope to see you on #et.invite!
goodluck with this!
10 Et players left, lets do this!
good idea. gl with that !!
[x] You may not play togheter with (known) cheaters and/or players who you don't know while searching on the channel.

gl with 10 ppl there
changed it a little to:

[x] You may not play togheter with (known) cheaters and/or players who you and the players you play with have never heard of while searching on the channel.
I'd also find it gay if I didn't receive an invitation
Don't care for your "new" channel. It's an idea that will fail without a doubt. The invite only part makes it already stupid enough, as you obviously stated above, you'll just block players you don't like. Anyone actually joining this would be total idiot, as this would only separate the community more instead of helping anything.
Really good idea!!! (serious).

"Banning clean players from isn't giving me enough satisfaction any more, so I've decided to do what several others have tried (and failed) over the years by starting my own channel for searching wars - with me as owner and OP, of course!"

Oh well. Good luck, I guess. If this means less of your bullshit in the other channel(s), then I support it.
better than not banning cheaters for over few months ehehe shithead
enjoy ur ban now :) finally
Banning non-cheaters is better than not banning "cheaters"?
Oh yeah !!!!
Good idea, too bad it's 4 years late. Also not sure if Kalli is the right person for it but good luck :)
wont workout with no players identification but well gl
Totally not the right person to do this. Also this project is dead before it even started
hahah really what ohurcool said.
Its a horrible idea, if people wanna find a scrim they go or (where you got admin by dick-sucking hard to be able to kick people you dislike) so you will basically have 10 or 15 ppl there idling (your friends/people you asked to join).

[x] You may not play togheter with (known) cheaters and/or players who you and the players you play with have never heard of while searching on the channel.
so 80% of the active players ( Last what...10 or 20 games I ve played, I never heard of 1 or 2 players in the opposite team that is just dumb...)
Would be interesting to see the "list" of those "known cheaters" that you have in mind.
i loled and then i lold again so i lold a litle bit and after the lulz i posted a comment wich made me lol about the matter again so i lold
what is lold and lulz ?
DrLaughtAtAlot :D
Banning on wasn't effective enough? Need some more power to extend your e-cock?
no one will use it if Kalli is the one whos leading it HAHA
and for what do i need that channel? there are less then 100 players left so u should allready know everyone ( and their fakenicks ) so just go on searching
come at me bro and find out my fakenicks

gg bb
not bad, not bad

Was hard to find that one :p
if cgag just had a public match id, it would be soo much easier
Bench yourself and get somebody else in charge
not neccessary
So by enforcing the rule about cheaters. I presume you are not allowing yourself to search for a war in this channel?
[x] You may not play togheter with (known) cheaters and/or players who you and the players you play with have never heard of while searching on the channel.

says the guy who got busted by xfire, lel.

image: iavanzdjjay9a
I think u will need more channel admins to keep an eye on users following ur rules. I would call nazty to get back in business and fight cheaters with u.
you power hungry Hitler lover
what means cwel?

edith: ah lol
:DDD true story
This will surely be a great success
making invite-only channel in 2014.

image: 9f1f34453fa81983c35be0fa944dbe40646f7c3eec89d275447f031c344b9537
this is how the jew thing started u know
sounds like everything is going perfect then :D
you got to many haters Gali, but atleast you try:P
Makes me think of AL1
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