CGAC internal error 00000012

So basically, the steps were followed by cgac here:
Installed: pressed on the shortcut and got the error: internal error 0000012.
Things we've tried:
- run as admin the .exe and the setup.exe.
- reinstalled cgac
-reinstalled netframe work.
- download the netframework offered in the link above

I think since it's a 0000012, I think it is a 0x0000012, by that some regs are fucked up.
If I'm correct a reg clean should fix it, right? 0x0000012 can be caused by several things, including a bad setup.exe.
So I hope anyone else have an idea. I could let my mate do a reg clean, but I don't know a good free program.
My program has a license from school, so that's not an option.
Does anyone else have the problem?

My mate would like some help.
his OS: windows 7

ps: post should be made by my mate on the forums off cybergamer itself.
So yes, we're asking badkip too, if he knows.
que pasa?
can't see this topic at CG ;( (yet)
Me neither.
I'll tell him soon enough, or post it myself.
You are nerd and cant take care of your computer? I'm disappointted son :('
It's gamma's pc.
I tried everything myself with teamview, but I couldn't fix it.

I just hope I'm right with the reg-error.
If that's the case, a program that cleans your regs, can fix it.
Doesn't Ccleaner contains Reg cleaner?
yup it does, not the very best one but a decent one
It does, but isn't that program way to aggressive?
You scan first, then you can select which to fix and you can also make a backup before making action.
you most probably have an internal error
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