RTCW activity and upcoming cups

Hello RTCW community,
first of all, i want to say sorry for my bad english, but i give my best to tell you my thoughts.

When I came back to RTCW last october, the scene was pretty active. Every day you found some 3on3’s and on some days even 6on6’s. The alliance cup was announced, so the teams went active to practice for the cup.
Nowdays the alliance cup is nearly finished and the community went into a “spring-sleep”. The teams/players which got kicked off the cup have no motivation continue playing RTCW, because NO NEW 6on6 CUP WAS ANNOUNCED YET (except this “maybe soon" from ZeD).

Many players don’t like 3on3’s and as I understand right, the upcoming 3on3 cup will forced to have 8 teams. 8 teams? WTF? You have to buy teams/players or something? Rofl?
In that case only the high+ players get a chance to play in this cup. But we have to wait for more information. Maybe I am wrong.

However. No new 6on6 cup was announced and the players lost their motivation to play that great game.
With MUCH luck you can find on IRC a little 3on3. But not everyday…
Am I the only one who wants to play this game more often? Alright, the osp community have about 100 players and nobody want to search hours and hours to get a little 3on3 or 6on6. But if everyone thinks like that, we all can start deleting this game. I don’t know what alternative the “real” RTCW players have? CSGO? ET? Call of Duty? Battlefield? Come one, we all know that RTCW is the best ;)

But anyway im really looking forward for new information about the upcoming cups. Hopefully there are more players out there who thinks like me :P

I think part of the problem is that people were excited when the first cup happened 18 months ago but now that a lot of the scene are grown up, it's hard to keep the activity high. If only it was like the old days when I was 14/15 and could come home from school and play for 4 hours straight!

To be fair, I was extremely excited and motivated to play when the first cup began. However, after six months of sacrificing evenings it was hard to justify continuing.

I'd definitely like to play again after the coming summer, but I suppose that depends on whether there is a cup or not. I know Warwitch and co are still working hard to provide coverage etc, so I'm sure there would be a market for it.
Agree, I do think a lot more people will think about playing if there is a cup though, it has been the same in ET. When OC/EC were running you could see the amount of teams searching for wars decrease every week at playoffs once teams started to drop out.
Sweet, tell adeto I'm joining your team for the next cup. I know loads of Dutch and shit.
But that means I can't shoot panzers at your face anymore.. On the other hand I am a great teamkiller!
I'm coming Amsterdam this summer mate. Come meet me with crab and Voice. You can kill me in person.
Seems like a good idea!
There has to be a miracle happening if you want to get me to play 3on3 again to be honest. But for 6on6 sure I guess, don't know if I'll be motivated enough though
I'm coming Amsterdam this summer mate. Come meet me with crab and Voice.
I'm down for that :D
I'm visiting Holland this summer, you near Amsterdam?
In fact, why don't you just add me on Facebook so we can discuss this further. I won't be coming on IRC and I barely check this either, so it actually makes sense now.
So smooth ................................. :*
As a baby's bum.
well teams would start to return if another cup was announced, but not as many as before unless people put in crazy effort to convince people who'd quit to play again. :D just realistically here, RtCW had a really nice past year and a half or so of high activity (pretty much nonstop 3on3s and plenty of the 6on6s fairly often too) but that kind of boom will always come back down, sadly. D: one thing Wolf has going for it that will always help, is the Warwitch coverage.
QuoteMany players don’t like 3on3’s and as I understand right, the upcoming 3on3 cup will forced to have 8 teams. 8 teams? WTF? You have to buy teams/players or something? Rofl?

judging by the amount of questions in here I think you should re-read whatever has confused you because it's not that complicated. :P you don't have to buy anything to play the RtCW 3on3 cup, it's sign up and play.
I agree, but in his defense, there is a lot of talk about 'fantasy' league(on stream that is*) or something and not any written info about this whatsoever which is kind off confusing I guess :P
that's all it is, talk. :P I can promise you nobody is going to be forced to pay in order to play the cup.
Oh I know that :P Just saying if you hear the admin(merl) and main icons of the game talk about 'donating for team(names)' etcetera I can imagine someone is like what?! Especially if you can't find any other info about it anywhere :D
Exactly. Talk about an upcoming Cup since 4 weeks or so and nothing readable :D
Im sure with an announcement of a 6on6 cup and much promotion we can reach as many teams as we had in the alliance Cup.

I wouldn't care about this all if i had an alternative game but i don't! Don't like CS and ET is nearly the same as RTCW. A bit more active but i don't like that game, too :D
Don't know about that, we had a wave of activity because 'OH ITS BACK' but now its become 'oh its there' again so dont know about the amount of teams. Also have you tried csgo for longer or short, i didnt like it either but I grew into it and enjoy it alot now that it gets easier and more competitive
There was info in the opening post for CF Spring. The fantasy league discussed on the stream is exactly as it sounds, a fantasy team - just like some people do for say the premiership season or NFL etc. to add more fun for the spectators. If you don't know or understand what it is, then don't worry about it.

The donations idea was just a realistic way to raise money for the tournaments which would include people in the scene who do not have the time or believed skill to do so and get better full community involvement. I have held off a lot on announcing anything new because I wanted to wait for the current cup to finish before setting anything in stone (mainly because I didn't want the schedule to clash and cause more problems for the alliance cup) the ideas are in flux of course :) and will be nailed down more so once the current cup is confirmed - I mainly put it in CF Spring early announcement so that people knew that there were plans for RTCW after so people wouldn't auto leave the scene, etc :)
I don't know a whole lot about the RtCW scene, but my humble suggestion is to be careful not to get too caught up in the 3on3 vs 6on6 thing. Keep in mind that a few years ago there was no organized competition for RtCW at all, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to complain that the next cup being organized is only in your second favorite format. Be grateful for what you have instead of concentrating on what is missing!
That was not my Point. i prefer 3on3's sometimes. just said that many Players in the community dont like 3on3's
Fair enough. I'm sure that eventually someone else will step up and run another 6on6 cup for you guys.
What is this game you are talking about?
Rly? >topic
never heard of this thing called 'rtcw'.. Is it good?
no, dont try it :P
do i smell fear?
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