Sound problem

Hello all!

I do have sounds in ET but the quality is terrible and sounds like there's always a static in the background. This static - sort of a sqeaking/screeching high pitched noise - is especially strong when a player (including myself) is running nearby. I tried different audio quality settings in game to no avail. What is also strange that if I crank up the system volume, the noise does NOT get louder with it. I also have every driver installed and no other applications/games show the same problem. Anyone had this before and know perhaps what could be done? Tweaking the config hasn't seemed to help.

Many thanks in advance!
i think ur sound settings are fubar
what do you mean?
ok googled up fubar x)
i have th same problem
tried changing the kHz and then snd_restart? if you change it from menu and hit apply, it actually only does vid_restart. worth a try I guess, probably won't resolve your problem though.
thanks, I'll try that!
Think I had the same, but when I start ET with etpro from start sound is fine.
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