DrLagAlot offi only 6on6

Good evening crossfire!

Since I got in the mood to play ET every now and then again, I'd like to get a 6on6 team for playing cup and official matches only.

I'm around med+ skilled and prefer to play fieldops but don't really mind playing eng/medic. I'm not available at mondays and wednesdays at all.

Be at least med skilled (CG ET Division 3 and better), reliable and chilled. I strongly prefer guys who have played 6on6 competetively for a while and know how the game works, not some 3on3 rambos.

Please pmme per crossfire or on irc, but only if you can clearly see I'm online.

Thanks for offers in advance!

live version so bad :s
Why do you consider it as bad?
just in comparison to the album version.
you can't compaire his live performances to his earlier studio albums
elton john online only
bullshit, he's fucking fantastic live
few years ago you prefered to play medic, Kevin, so why the change? :P

image: rewrer
Why would anyone use fucking internet explorer anyway? :P
You have to ask photo
daddy doens't want anything else on the family computer
GL my friend!
thanks mate! Are you still playing any game?
csgo mm with friends
endless cycle :S every week u r searching a team for a diff game (csgo,bf4,et)
then stop paying attention to him faggot
im trying dickhead but not working
atleast you try so np a for effort
I'm not searching for a csgo team, nor for a bf4 team, nor I had been searching for an ET team for the past few months. Haven't seen any smart comment comming from you for a while now. It's quite ironic how you come up with such bullshit considering you couln't even stay away from ET for a single week without making a journal/forum topic that bsturz is back.
actually i meant these posts
http://www.crossfire.nu/threads/47407/drlagalot-avi-4-etcsgortcw (thought u posted it some time ago)

QuoteHaven't seen any smart comment comming from you for a while now
but this also goes to u
why should i care what im writting? its just shit internet and im not playing et anymore. the only things I wrote where wishes to teams who were searching for members or guys who were searching for a team and some critic about the current nc in the last weeks while u whined/flamed about/against ex-/cheater, while u r also an excheater (so where is the logic) and posted stupid videos which "normal" people would never watch.. u know everyfucking ex-/cheater from 2005-now + their fakenicks... so pls
or what do u mean by smart comments? shall I post sth about vaccination against oral diseases or sth about toxicology next time?
yeh man i would like to buy a eeeeehmburgah! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUCDhvbQFmU

the oral thing sounds awesome aswell though!
dafuq those vids... -.-
well i can tell u everything about it^^ i had to held a presentation in my uni about this topic, was fun
This is coming from the guy who is making a comeback every week
last comeback was on 6.sept 2013 and I just did 2-3 comebacks in total so ur comment in invalid ggwpbb
make a cum back again then it would be wirkelich Wundershön! huehuehue :D
its my last semester not gona fuck it up^^
such med+, much cwel
craze.. they luve your music
GL Drhighping!
fak ju?cwel?
just in case anybody actually considers playing with him:

He is a complete retard and he is not really a team player. So competing on a med+ lvl might be a bit difficult, or lets say frustrating, with a player like him. In fact, he is one of the 3on3 rambos he mentions to evade but that's a whole other story. I know there are some people defending him (where ever they may be) but in my opinion he is a really bad pick and will make your team disappear like many other teams did where he joined or he formed.

gl hf
And what leads you to this assumption? :D
shut up, oLGaa is law!
years ago you would have got the crossfire award "most retarded user of the year"
ahahaahahahaha this guy so bad
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