need a 6th and backups
we're in need of a 6th player to finish the upcoming cups.
Be a 2nd engi (or medic, we'll see) and skilled. Players will be picked by the team.
Due the fact that we aren't always 6 players around, we will also need 1-2 backups. We'll prac twice a week. You need to be avi to play CG & CF League. We will also play the ESL Revival Cup on Wednesday, so it would be cool if you can also play there.
If you're interesed leave me a message here or /q "mental"
I am going to answer to the pn's/querys when we have the next time prac (which is going to be on wednesday prolly) since I am not going to decide this alone.
we're in need of a 6th player to finish the upcoming cups.
Be a 2nd engi (or medic, we'll see) and skilled. Players will be picked by the team.
Due the fact that we aren't always 6 players around, we will also need 1-2 backups. We'll prac twice a week. You need to be avi to play CG & CF League. We will also play the ESL Revival Cup on Wednesday, so it would be cool if you can also play there.
If you're interesed leave me a message here or /q "mental"
I am going to answer to the pn's/querys when we have the next time prac (which is going to be on wednesday prolly) since I am not going to decide this alone.
do you even remember me?
do you even remember me?
pm if needed
não te esqueças de perguntar ao papá como é foder uma vaca, a não ser que tenhas feito o mesmo.
eu não me admirava, já foste apertar-lhe as tetas para fazer queijo
Oh here's a pic of you that demonstrates it :
A tua mãe deve estar às voltas na sepultura só de pensar na merda de filho que tem.
E tu que tens a mais que eu? O peso e a burrice não contam. Vai pa universidade, arranja um trabalho e deixa de ser um inútil para a sociedade. Vê lá se cresces puto.
we could pracc tonight around 22CET can even try to make it official.
to w tą gre jeszcze sie gra :DD? @btw