xproject team are recruiting

Hi again everyone who playing in et. xProject team are recruiting players for 6on6 and 3on3 games. We prefer players with Polish, but it is not a necessary requirement.

We needs:
- no hax and ex-hax
- no ego
- with brain and available time
- prefer +18
- be in for some fun
- no Sosnowiec players XD

What we offer:
- fun guys (at least we think so)
- a TS server
- we might have a server available (soon)
- no Sosnowiec players :DD

Currently, there are a few people willing to play, but so far no one yet has not specified exactly. Below is provisionally presumed, incomplete team composition:

image: pl kaczka?
image: pl Vi3ri
image: de Ers
image: nl Detz
image: pl sCreen
image: 0 TBA

For more info visit our IRC channel
or send msg for /q kaczka
1st, gl bro!
You win life :D Thanks a lot ;p
wtf Sence u speak polish?
#xproject.et rifelko moja <3
Add VanitaS and sCreen
nosz avi ale tag wymyślam ja XD
no to bylyby jaja z brahim znowu zagrac w teamie :D jak ogarne te warpy bo cos z kompem mam to bedzie sie dzialo xd
wanted to write avi if it wont be full of polaks, I see during few moments the lineup changed, so I wish you just good luck.
Raczej nie będzie pełna polaks :D sCreen ma dalej problemy z netem a Vani only english nawet z polaczkami :d
have not a little idea what you just wrote ;o
zaraz go Ci tam uteperuje :P w jaszczomp7 ciuchutki jak baranek był i się sluchal :d
Z nami zawsze po prostu był. Po cichu, bo ojca z kanapy nie chciał budzić xd
macie i się uczcie :P
Uemperowac to sobie strusia mozesz i to jeszcze jakiegos ulomnego.
Ja temperuje ołówki <3
a i tu ta zazdrość bo nie dałem się przejechać XDDDD To Tu Cię boli XD hahahhaa
jebalem twoja matke
jestem avi
are you still interested?
god damn that tryhard english
wie tief du gesunken bist ers..
junge verlass das land bitte aber lass den döner hier :D
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