Huge lagspikes with a wireless device on the same network

Lately I've been having monstrously huge lagspikes whenever another wireless device joins the network. It was fine before, the issue started with no explanation or precedent. Even when my own pc is on ethernet cable and the wireless device doesn't use the internet (sits idly) the lagometer resembles the Himalayas.

Has anyone come across this issue and is there a fix for it? Google told me to try fucking around with the 802.11b/g settings of the router, but that didn't change anything.

Some earthporn

image: ifwd4y
try a different channel.
No idea

where is this place?
Freediving is something I'll never understand how it's done. Holy fuck.
rly amazing
if you find a solution let me know
yeah got the same shit since like 2 weeks also. the wifi connection just seems to ave lost his "strenght" . When im downstairs its fine, in my room it just randomly disconnects.. pls halp
dude you were lagging all the time tho. If ur signal is very strong then i'm sure its synchronisation in ur case, since I had totaly same problem. But at the end I had disconnects every 1-30 mins and after reading forum it was neighbour doors which was beating my modem/router that time^^
nah brah that was fpslagg on my old laptop, got this shit since like 2/3 weeks now :/
Might be that synchronisation is failing, so basicaly its more like ISP modem (if u have also modem) problem or ISP itself. And that can be a big pain in arse though. However replacing router or modem might fix problem. U could test it with friends router first.
Turn of wireless related power saving features in Windows and router.
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