craZe in need of new players

Thanks to everyone who showed interest but we already have our new lineup!

Greetings everyone,

after our flawless victory in the 2nd Division which we celebrated with champagne and caviar ( we are - unfortunately - in need of new players. Even though it is summer we want to field a decent lineup again. If this will not be the case we will wait until fall and search then again respectively we hope that we will play with our old mates again <3

Our Finnish owner Wrath has to do his summerjob from now on while GermanyKenji* will be traveling around for 2 months.Czech Republicmnewcko wants to be the world's best Pokémon Trainer after there is no competition left in the Czech Republic.

Therefore we are in need of a rifle, a 2nd eng and a field ops* + a backup medic.
The remaining lineup is as follows:
GermanyAva (revive medic)
Turkeysymbol (revive medic)
NetherlandsTesti (rambo medic)
EuropeTBA (fop)*
EuropeTBA (rifle)
EuropeTBA (2nd eng)
+ backup medic

* It might be that Kenji can/will play during his journey; it it not sure yet

- be reliable (we want to play only once per week during summer on Sundays between 20/21 and 23 CEST ; near the end of summer we would like to increase the amount to two days)
- speak English
- be decent
- give comms
- be a teamplayer (we have Testi for ramboing around!)

We have a game server and a Teamspeak server (both hosted in Germany) sponsored by eT|Mys0x.

If you are interested you can contact me here on CF or /q AvaOFF

Enjoy the rest of your day!
no chick = fake topic
symbol from engi to medic
ja bro einmal low immer low egal ob medic oder engr
netter türke
Nice to see you guys praccing for the next cup's! gl
hf wouter<3
gl vdvelve

gimme ur steam acc again i closed the chat window in LoL before i could add u :D
now I see how much you care about me! sebestyenandras
Nigger when we paly our rtcw?
humm, I'll be online this afternoon / evening on IRC, we can discuss. Tonight we are here around 21.30CET , and tomorrow evening is fine as well I suppose :)
we have to start it around 19.00cet :(
then tomorrow it is
GL : {D
Fuck, was hoping I'd apply to bring my awesome partnership from 3o3 (with sedou) :((

e: avi if rito is avi
rito is avi mates !
Gl testi, sup mnewcko!
symbol phihi get name oO
i have this name since 2003 or 04 achi
avi, wenn der Türke mir nen Liedchen trällert :S
take Poland RiZla boy
riZla not RiZla :D thanks :D anyway gl guys cu @ battlefield
If mnewcko would still be playing, every1 joined right away
avi as eng smg!
good luck mate
gl mates<3
get Canadadetdet
gl guys!
avi as eng
may be avi in 2 weeks :P
GL wp hi mnew!
avi as medic/2nd eng!
avi as rifle !
avi as engi/fop
avi as covert fg42
when did i get this nickname? :(
avi as fop

e: rifle as well
Hey guys :) , avi for 2nd engi position or BU position (supportive medic, smg eng).
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