Weird pb screen

Hi @ all

i played against idem today (well yesterday seeing it has been 12 o'clock)

I made this pb screenie:


Is this a hack or? ...

I know he's looking at a teammate but names above the heads? never seen that tbh...
Dont have any other screenie where he is looking at an opponent :\

flame k thx
com to our channel in vent pls
proof he wasnt a shoutcaster?
Why would i make a pb screen from a shoutcaster and then post it here.. :X
i dunno because you could?
wallhack + esp AND this guy has allready been busted 5 times
he has never been busted before :D:D
perfo jij bent echt dom, detox had da gepost voor de grap, ik heb die movie zelf gemaakt maar w/e
Correctie, hij heet Esteban.
lol kanker chizzel
busted =)
i want ban
my name is on a pb screeen :O how cool but where is my guid? :( or anything else that proofs that is me?
n1ce photoshop sk1lls :o)
I'm going to be famous after everyone sees this pbss :D:D
Who are you btw? :D
i want better proofs kthxbb
can some one make some pbscreens to proof i hax? click

h3h3 -_-
if he has a the serverlog he can check if your ip match and busted lo0ol
kut mike brinkhuis
I was there and he was shoutcaster in that server tbh.... TNX
ow kut sorry ja het spijt me zeer Maik Brinkhuis ik bied ( geen rode ness) bij deze mijn excuses aan en let niet op de taal/spellings fouten
en denk er aan

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