underscore recruiting #update2

underscore looking for bakcups to complete the line-up:


Hungary powi
Ukraine stati /cried me to give him the proper flag before he bet mad/
Hungary Ocelot /recruited after the post was made/
Hungary dxtr
Hungary isl4m

To everybody who pm'ed me: Thanks for your sign-up, but we are ready. We can take you as backup, because most of us are not even playing ET and probably won't be here when needed.

Hungary Nonix c
prefer Hungarians, but anybod Will do

edit: Hungary varadi is NOT SKILLED ENOUGH
gl aim master!
slurp slurp mhmm it tastes real good big daddy long arm

Too many cwels
Hungary cONY
Hungary hillsong
Hungary piazza
hillsong and cony hate me :(
15 years old people, failed even with cheats. No underscore for them hopefuly : >
who cheats with 1k damage per 30 minutes of gameplay?
guess who's back
tell a friend
guess who's back
guess who's back
guess who's back
wat about sebi?
gl guys.
would be nice to see full hungarian team once more

gl guys!
All Star Hungary sebi missing
Hungarysebi and Hungaryvaradi? :D
varadi is not skilled enough, dunno about sebi, if he wants to play he'll obviously contact me
Didnt play ET since last summer or something. Do you have a gaming PC finaly?
ja, since last summer or something, but ps4 ftw
get Facebook
nope, but you are welcome to call me or pm @whatsapp
We are avi to stomp you needs Monday tues or Wednesday
sebi & fobje imo
take me :) :D
avi if i could have some time to play :P

gl powi!
you should get ati_ :D
can i be backup?
Hat ez valahogy nem jon ossze nekem :D Pedig jo lenne etzni kicsit. ti nyomjatok mar?
Only offi csapat vagyunk! :)
you guys want a offi against us tomorrow? If you do, leave me a msg.
just in case; me roth slapper froxe xav and ipod.

we are not ready yet.
gl hungarian boys! szereti a faszt ! cu @ battlefield :)))
Why are you hating on varadi? Probably better than anyone from your lineup.
it's not ment to be serious you fool :D
I think it's serious and they just have some personal issues. :S
It's serious, and you are wrong. powi keep defending him, but the truth is that he has never been better than med skill and his attitude is annoying
Ah :D I thought that is some standard troll there
No, just can't stand that guy and even if I'd put this little thing away, he wouldn't fit, because even inactive players are better than him.
dmg isnt everything, maybe he is a good revive medic or obj oriented player but I got no clue and I dont wanna interfere

u played with him so u should know it best :P

gl anyways
none of the things you mentioned describe what makes a good player. :P maybe he was just more of an objective player than the rest of you (which in you + bori's case I can be sure is true, since you're both extremely rambo).
I like when people like you trying to be a smartass, however I used to play with him for long, and you?
I like when people like you get so salty over simple comments :P
Oh and by the way you are so wrong at
Quotewhich in you + bori's case I can be sure is true, since you're both extremely rambo

bori mainly played rifle and/or fops, hes role was to spam
and I played fops/2nd eng and used to be the player who was the last line defense

if you got that information from the movies I made with BoRi, then I have to tell you something boy
i played in some clan ~4yrs ago and we tried bori out, it didn't even look like he was trying to be a teamplayer at all and was like running cave all the time on supply defense and doing all the solo-things, even though he was playing medic role. im not saying it makes him bad but it makes him rambo for sure.
maybe he just wanted to show u that he is a "good" player by having high dmg. u know there so many people who r just looking at dmg and thats the reason why so many r ramboing.
I also know it from me when I had the test games for a new team, I always tried to have highest dmg and didnt care so much about obj, but since I played for bsturz I changed my gamestyle.. I didnt care so much about dmg anymore, I played more for obj and there was only 1 thing which was important and that was the result! ;P

but for other people is only dmg important which is kinda sad we saw it last year what happens if a team just got rambos like team NL last year... they r killing everything but nobody is getting obj/driving truck/tank

pls no haterino
I don't think he was trying to impress anyone because of that team (me, boNg, maza, phyzic, rNz & flashdown) BoRi was already more known at the time and definitely played at a higher level than us (with Hungary overdose & Hungary underscore, I was aware of this at the time so I had some expectations of him). I really doubt he had anything to prove, pretty sure it was just his style of play. tbh everyone is impressed when they see some sick dmg from someone on their first prac, but the first thing I look at after that is their dmg received and that tells me instantly the style of play they use in order to get such high dmg. when playing close games or better opponents, it's the most ineffective play, ever. :P

I agree about that NL team. imo xperia/mize/motif and other strong aimers are very useful in a team, but you can't have 6 guys like that. they're all complete replicas of each other and so they're always doing the same jobs.
Maybe he was rambo when he played for you, in our team he was the guy who delayed plants and stopped x men rushes. That's the role of a spammer.
edit: stati gone mad on me because I don't give him hungarian flag and he thinks it's not funny, so we might need someone to replace him if hes willing to back off
I hope u or stati r kidding right now :D
Im not kidding, i can paste the fb conversation if u want
its Hungarian tho, but u can translate it
wow im speechless atm
why is he mad cuz of the wrong flag, i mean wtf its just a flag its nothing which can kill or sth like that :D or was sth in the past
Ye, he already said tó cross him off, cos he does nőt want tó play with me cos of the Flag
I'm ok with this flag, since I've played for na' vi
dont make me move you back to Romania!
Just to say some words: I've played with varadi the most (playing together since 2007 i think), so I know him the best probably. Also take note, I dont say these words to get him in this team, I know you dont want him. Im just saying this cause its unfair to make him look bad, even if he doesn't care and also don't know a single word in english anyway.

From the countless 3on3-s we played i can say, he can be a really strong aimer. His first nickname was Kris, and long time ago we were joking about that "who is better the HU Kris or the NL one"...their playstyle was pretty similar - agressive, strong aiming medics, and I have to say there were times when he could be better. I even saw mAus whining about his aim sometimes.

About his game intelligence... once u get used to his playstyle (cause he is just agressive... so that means the whole team must be agressive, if you are not agressive you are dead, cause he dies and left your team outnumbered :D) but well once u get used to his playstyle you realize its pretty good to play with him. Also he has a very good "talent", he can think right even in shit situations. I remember a lot of 3on3 games, when his ideas saved the game for us.

Also he is agressive but not stupid. He knows when to fall back, when to camp, when to help even with 5 hp left, when to stay in with a pistol etc... he does these things right, and i think there are very few players out there who does these thinghs right.

So all in all i must say he could be one of the best player in this team, if he would care about the game and put some time into training again, and get a decent connection. I know he has the skills and capabilities.
he might just always had very bad days when he played with and againts me
anythings possible
+1, he is good. Also, the funniest guy on comm !
u guys r a weird team :D
wtf is this topic :x
*grabbing popcorn*
varadi not skilled enough for this team ? You must be dreaming I guess.
2 years, 3 months and 24 days

I know that he looks strong when you play againts him on jaymod, but etpro is different my friend!
dat ego :D , I played vs him in 3v3, many times. I can give my judgment.
I just write what I think and, btw there is a relation between my registration here and varadi's skill ? I don't think so, your reply is just retarded then.
How do you know that Váradi is skilled Enough for this team? Judging on 3on3s and u look New , does nőt convince me.
hes bad
Powi's analysis is clear, and he is right. I think he can fit in your team, that's just my opinion, nothing more.
gl with your team anyway :)
stat analysis is not as partial as powi's one
varadi wouldnt fit, hes bad
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