New pc and fps dropping..

Anyone got ideas why my fps won't get over 40 at all anymore? Bought new pc and after that downloaded ET and went to play, but fps stay at 25 like almost on every map... didn't have this problem on my other pc and it was fucking old... Now I got this one and have no clue at all what's the matter.. could it be that win 8.1 has something to do with this problem or what? Help is appreciated and those who have no clue about this; your comments are not needed here. :)

Thanks to those who are willing to help with this!
seta r_primitives "2"
it doesnt help. this command is too primitive for my pc.
Try setting ET's affinity to use only one core in task manager.
useless for new PCs, even bulldozers
Helped with my 2500k, somehow ET just stopped having stable 125 and PBPrior fixed that
"new PCs"

"Helped with my 2500k"

image: rrYcfJ7
Like its not new enough for ET :D Atleast beating bulldozers in games
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customwidth "1366"
seta r_customheight "768"

use your resolution with this
ajurit kuntoon lapinmies
oli kunnossa :D tartti vaa ton yhe säädön tuosta laittaa ni alko toimii.. :D
seta r_primitives "2"
check driver settings nvidia set all settings for highest quality and for new games like threaded optimization, buffering, vsync etc.
Dunno bout AMD
Never use vsync for games lol :D dont like that mouselag at all
I dont but nvidia does it automaticly when you install new drivers
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