ET: Legacy

Hey guys,

have you checked this revamped version of ET?

Works like a charm with Linux, all kinds of screen resolutions and is minimizable. The only con is that it is not compatible with ETPro. But everything else looks great. I think that if they manage to include an anti-cheat we can all say goodbye to ETPro once and for all!
I wonder if its just plain ETmain or did they add some ETPro shit into it?
whats this? to me it looks like nothing has changed
I guess the graphics should be a bit better, but not sure either :S
What's the point in better graphics if every cfg will have r_picmip 3 :D
Attracting new player to the game untill they are hooked and start using a config with r_picmip 3 i guess :D
its working on linux also, probably thats all :D dont see any diff in graphics at least.
Why would we want to say goodbye to etpro ?
Etpro is the best !!
What's wrong with normal ET and linux? Never had a problem here + minimized.
Sounds can be iffy at times, but... I do agree, justifying this entire new build around the fact that it's multi-OS supportive is a tad silly. This really just seems like a fun project that has arisen out of a state of boredom. It's neat, I've played around some with it, but in reality, it's never going to really take over, especially not in the ETPro scene.
The project aims at fixing issues with the engine and to maintain an active mod base.

Heres just a small list of things that have been added but in reality there is a lot more things done. The engine also has an xreal level renderer but it has not been enabled for the current releases.
The only thing ET need is proper AC, nothing else.
Nevermind a proper delivery system or active userbase.
As if. Am I the only one who's annoyed with bugs? Updates thanks!
Bugs are somewat bareable still, apart of the horrible unhitability of certain ppl.
Internet gayming. :> Hitboxes will never be perfect for everyone. And yes sometimes really horrible
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