Looking for CS:go players

I've recently started to play CS again, this time: CS:GO.
I'm a newb.
Just got my first rank: Gold Nova 2 (last week), and just received my new rank Gold Nova 3.
I need guys who don't get mad, and want to teach me more about the game while playing.
Places to camp, name of several places like "secret" in Nuke. Stuff like that.
Just teach me the game, while playing. And don't think because I got a rank, I know what to buy, what to do every single round.
for example: my 2nd last game, just taught me (ty to chikita) that the p250 is better than the silencer pistol for CT (if you would go eco (another thing I've just learned, while I already had a rank)).


There are some things you can do on your own:
- watch pro streams: you will learn positions (and their names) and tactical steps (flashes, smokes, timing, what and when to buy). And I don't mean just watching pro teams on major lan events, follow hiko/steel/nbk/getright on twitch and watch them playing MM - that might help you even more than watching pro matches because MM is so much different from clan wars (mostly from tactical and execution point of view).
- train your aim: for example I practice a lot against bots on aim maps - poolday, iceworld and aim_map; learn spray patterns of major weapons (AK, M4 - at least for first 5-6 shots - those are fairly easy) and how to use pistols. Find some tutorial for proper crosshair placement - that might help you in the beginning to get an edge over enemies (especially on those low ranks)
- learn patience! There are many people coming from rtcw/et that are just not patient enough to hold their ground and try to find an action when they are not supposed to (that goes mostly to CT sides).
Good tips for newcomers.
+There's a lot of different tutorials on Youtube
Thanks. Already follwoing twitch accounts where Nip or Titan is playing.
Learned how to smoke heaven from the building close to T-spawn @ nuke (for example)
thank you mate! tomorrow I'll send you more nice things you can learn from!
dont listen to anything she says shes a troll
Get at least LEM you can play with POLARb mates.
Would be nice, as long you don't speak Finish (is that a language? Didn't know how to write it, but you get it)
Finnish is yeah. :P
I am also looking for people to play with. So if you fancy playing hell, pm me!
wanna play with some cf guys :)

steam: kiwiatet

supreme master

cheers :)
dont play with this guy...this kid cant stop crying and blaming everyone while he doesnt even do good himself and starts flaming people that are with him in teamspeak in german!!! such balls.
You can't enjoy the game with this MLG player, also you cant understand anything ingame cuz he doesnt stop whining
Skins = Skill
oh noes, 4.08 prod has real life :<<<<<<<
https://www.youtube.com/user/CurseCS you should check out adreNs channel. Otherwise just try to play with guys who are actualy using their brain. There is no reason to learn cs from a guy who is just aiming and not even able to throw a decent flash/smoke or whatever. As filus said, deathmatch/HSmod/playing against bots is a nice way to improve your aim, but you should rly try to focus more on your gamesense than on your aim. Gamesense > aim. Always be ahead of ur enemys. Who died, where could they go, how can I avoid to get picked off. Those are things you should be aiming for as first part of learning the game. For improving your aim as stated above dm and shit is pretty good, but you should only go for clean kills, aiming -> shooting not shooting -> aiming. U might die alot, but as soon as you get used to it u'll be doing just fine. Don't even try to spray while playing dm, just go for tap/burst otherwise you wont learn to aim at all. :)

for some games feel free to add me:Kevjiko
Also these 1v1 arenas are good for aim practise for me atleast
Idd arena is nice, but I prefer to play on some HSmod server, as it helps me to go for those clean kills - Aiming before shooting and not spraying at all :b
I want to learn the game too, maybe we can play together glenn? :D
anger is a top player from CS.
Snatix is definitely not a top player in anything ever apart from find the sausage, all that practise with his local priest made sure of that.
How would you know, priest?
I can be whatever you want me to be
Cute girl next door?
Ladm8 why so mean
Time to get better than him and call him a namefaker muhaha :D
Check out this site for all grenade throwing positions etc, it's great!!


You can click on most of the lines for each map and it will pop up a video that shows you how it's done exactly.
I want to learn csgo aswell, been pubbing around for about 2 weeks now. Played css on a medish level in 2010 but forgot quite a bit, so i'd love to play matches with people
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