CG Season 2 Recruitment

image: 81XpmVt

The purpose of this forum thread is to help with recruitment for CyberGamer EU ET Season 2!

If you would like to be added to the list, please leave a comment below with the following information:
  • Nickname:
  • Country:
  • Format:
  • Skill:
  • Class:
  • Availability:
  • Contact:
  • Other information:

  • Nickname: ohurcool
  • Country: USA
  • Format: 3on3
  • Skill: med
  • Class: reviving medic
  • Availability: Sundays & Wednesdays
  • Contact: /q ohurcool @
  • Other information: be nice, play clean, speak English, etc.

Players searching for a team will be regularly added to the list below, and off-topic comments will be deleted. Teams searching for players should also feel free to leave a comment. Good luck!

Players searching for a team:

Czech Republic

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: skilled
  • Class: medic
  • Availability: 2 days/ week,
  • Contact: here

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: last division
  • Class: medic/eng smg
  • Availability: few days per week
  • Contact: /q eaves @ or pm here

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic/multi
  • Availability: 5 days/week
  • Contact: /q gtakiller on #team-pistols@quakenet

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: medish
  • Class: any class
  • Availability: 1/2 a week. Prefer only sundays.
  • Contact: pm me here.

  • Format: 3on3
  • Skill: med/+
  • Class: medic
  • Availability: every evening
  • Contact: Pm here

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: skilled
  • Class: can play anything
  • Availability: 1 or 2 day / week, pref offi only or backup
  • Contact: here

  • Format: 3on3
  • Skill: 4ever med
  • Availability: avi:offi day
  • Contact: here or qnet olden

  • Format: 6on6 / 3on3 / both
  • Skill: low/med
  • Class: med/eng/fops
  • Availability: 2-3 days a week max
  • Contact: msg me here

  • Format: 3on3 or 6on6
  • Skill: med/-
  • Class: Medic
  • Availability: almost evreyday 20:00 cet till 22:30 max
  • Contact: /q rezta @ #hyperion-gaming or pm me here
  • Other information: be nice

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: rifle
  • Availability: avi when needed
  • Contact: pm here or /q Robaciek @ #ET

  • Format: both
  • Skill: med-
  • Class: medic and rifle
  • Availability: every day i think
  • Contact: pm here

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: low+
  • Class: medic / eng smg
  • Availability: can play 2 or 3 days a week
  • Contact: here
  • Other information: i am fucking old but i wont stop playing this game -- so give me a team please

  • Skill: Med skill
  • Class: All classes
  • Contact: Pm here

  • Skill: Skill lost, can't find in temp. files
  • Class: Medic
  • Availability: Varies from 2 days per week to everyday
  • Contact: /q Sinche @ #catinahat
  • Other information: Hate cheaters, speak english and no rambo faggotry plox

  • Format: 3on3 / 6on6
  • Skill: med-/med
  • Class: medic, engr smg
  • Availability: everyday expect tuesday and thursday
  • Contact: pm here pls

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: whole life medium
  • Class: 1st rifle, 2nd medic, 3rd, fops
  • Availability: i can spare 2 days for this, 3 if srsly needed.
  • Contact: CF PROFILE < - - >
  • Other information: able to play in polish, english or german speaking team.

  • Format: 3on3 / 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic, engi
  • Availability: everyday expect firday and saturday
  • Contact: pm here pls
  • Other information: doing comeback :)

Teams searching for players:

United States of America
  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: skilled
  • Class: rifle, fieldops, and medic/engineer
  • Availability: every Sunday between 19 and 22 CET
  • Contact: Foreigner on Crossfire or Foreigner/ForeignerOFF on irc

Team Name: Forward Momentum
Format: 6on6
Skill: skilled
Class: rifle, fieldops, and medic/engineer
Availability: every Sunday between 19 and 22 CET
Contact: Foreigner on Crossfire or Foreigner/ForeignerOFF on irc
avi when needed
pm here or /q Robaciek @ #ET
Other information:
Nickname: szczurek
Country: Poland
Format: 6on6
Skill: no.
Class: riflor
Availability: evenings, just tell me before
Contact: /q [CG]szczurek or pm me here
Other information: prefer eu teams
Nickname: lowbika
Country: Czech Republic
Format: 6on6
Skill: med+ riflor, med medic
Class: reviving medic / rifle
Availability: Any day but friday/saturday
Contact: /q `ikboba @ / or PM here
Other information: be nice, play clean, speak English, don't be rambo lows :D! / See here
Nickname: Sinche
Country: Nor
Skill: Skill lost, can't find in temp. files
Class: Medic
Availability: Varies from 2 days per week to everyday
Contact: /q Sinche @ #catinahat
Other information: Hate cheaters, speak english and no rambo faggotry plox
Nickname: rezta
Format:3on3 or 6on6
Country: NL
Skill: med/-
Class: Medic
Availability: almost evreyday 20:00 cet till 22:30 max
Contact: /q rezta @ #hyperion-gaming or pm me here
Other information: be nice
Team Name: 'xD Trickjump,
Country: Each nationality is welcome
Format: 6on6
Skill: looking for decent experienced player
Class: rifle
Availability: Each Cybergamer match and wednesday evening to prac
Contact: Sebhes on Crossfire, Sebhes on irc, Sebhes on xfire
Other information: We are looking for a talk active person
ik kan spelen! Kan alleen niet beloven dat ik elke woensdag er ben. moet 8/10 wss wel lukken.
nickname: longplay / samraj
country: Poland polak
format: 6on6
skill: low+
class: medic / eng smg
avi: can play 2 or 3 days a week
contact: here
other: i am fucking old but i wont stop playing this game -- so give me a team please
Nickname: jeewee
Country: Netherlands
Format: 6o6
Skill: medish
Class: any class
Availability: 1/2 a week. Prefer only sundays.
Contact: pm me here.
We could simply recreate monte lol, 3 of us already there :D
Bring back mAre and t4mje and im in
Blazej is too busy with his gf (finally :s ) and t4mj, who knows, may try!
Nickname: eaves
Country: Belgium
Format: 6on6
Skill: last division
Class: medic/eng smg
Availability: few days per week
Contact: /q eaves @ or pm here
Nickname: tanchez
Country: Polska
Format: 6x6
Skill: whole life medium
Class: 1st rifle, 2nd medic, 3rd, fops
Availability: i can spare 2 days for this, 3 if srsly needed.
Contact: CF PROFILE < - - >
Other information: able to play in polish, english or german speaking team.
oldensan /olden / ckark kent
4ever med
avi:offi day
here or qnet olden
Med skill
All classes
Pm here
fuck it lets go

6on6 / 3on3 / both
2-3 days a week max
msg me here
Nickname: Zweql
Format: 3on3 / 6on6
Country: Fin
Skill: med
Class: medic, engi
Availability: everyday expect firday and saturday
Contact: pm here pls
Other information: doing comeback :)
Nickname: R0th
Format: both
Country: Portugal
Skill: med-
Class medic and rifle
Availability: every day i think
Contact: pm here
Nickname: symbol
Format: 6on6
Country: TUR
Skill: med-/med
Class: medic, engr smg
Availability: everyday expect tuesday and thursday
Contact: pm here pls
motivate me to play and im in
come on grzesiek! youre the best
Team Name: offi only
Country: [falg=eu]
Skill: doesnt matter
Class: medic or fieldops
Availability: only sunday for offi
Contact: pm me on cf
Other information: need 1-2 more players,
Country: fr
Format: 6v6
Skill: skilled
Class: can play anything
Availability: 1 or 2 day / week, pref offi only or backup
Contact: here
frog is strong within this one
Say WuT again
Country: pl
Format: 6v6
Skill: skilled
Class: medic
Availability: 2 days/ week,
Contact: here
oiii, would u be avi for 2nd div mate?
Depends on lineup ;P
Nickname: gtakiller
Country: russia
Format: 6v6
Skill: med
Class: medic/multi
Availability: 5 days/week
Contact: /q gtakiller on #team-pistols@quakenet
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