one.more Cup #12 Details

image: onemorecup-12

09/10/2014 - Announcement Post
Date: 12th October 2014
Start Time: Earliest will be 18:00 CET, depends on sign ups (Games Streamed from 21:15 CET - UB Final, LB Final, Grand Final)
Minimum Teams: 4 (max probably 8 teams)
Tournament Structure: Playoff (Single / Double elim, depends on sign ups)
Maplist: Base, te_Delivery_b1, Escape2, Beach, mml_church and Sub.
Servers: EU (antilag = 0)

Tournament is for European players, you must have at least 3 players on your roster and a maximum of 4. If teams sign up with players outside of Europe they will be shortlisted as backup teams - if teams use non-EU players on the day to replace roster players they do so at their own risk (knowing EU servers with antilag 0 are to be used). If there are teams as backup and a team tries to replace a player with an non-EU player, the backup team will be offered the slot first.

Map and round rules
Maps are decided by elimination in games that are not on the stream, whoever eliminates first in the first set of maps selection elims first if a decider is needed (knife fight if neither team wants to eliminate first). Games are played AB or ABBA depending on the round in the upper and lower bracket, please make sure to check the bracket to see how your game is to be played. However, games on the stream will have a different way of map selection where the viewers get to pick the maps, including any deciding maps. Warwitch will shoutcast the UB Final, LB Final and Grand Final and will use a strawpoll in these games to decide what maps are played - We have added an extra elimination where Warwitch can eliminate any map (if he decides to) where we have either seen too much of it or we want a chance of something else being played - this is Warwitch decision on every strawpoll and may not even come into use - it is totally at WW discretion.

Round Rules: Depending on sign ups, Early Rounds of the Upper Bracket and most rounds of the lower bracket will consist of one AB round per map. (BEACH AB then ICE AB for instance - with each team attacking first in each game on one map, if a decider map is needed it will be one round of AB again on whatever map is decided upon via elimination.)

If you want to play, sign up as early as possible. Once we have 8 teams I may close sign ups and only allow back up teams in - first come, first served on signs ups.

Confirmed Teams:
Europe Elite - Poland h2o, Poland lecem, United Kingdom fantasy and Netherlands Riva
Norway Violence Solves Everything - Estonia ZeD, Finland caej and Finland nsd
Europe noPressure - Estonia mata, Norway Kris and Estonia pudi
Europe paui - United Kingdom Crumbs, Latvia Clown and Sweden Askungen
Netherlands Houthakkers - Netherlands v4s, Netherlands vis, Netherlands max and United States of America parcher
houthakkers - v4s vis max paard
avi for team
Norway Violence Solves Everything
Estonia ZeD
Finland caej
Finland nsd
O! We are not going to be last.
can we get unbanned from irc so we can organise our matches tomorrow?
paui: Crumbs, Clown, Askungen
v57 parcher!
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