Replacement Team Needed

A replacement team is needed in the CF 3on3 Championship - this team would pretty much have the same rules as the current teams (3man initial roster & add one player at any time).

I made the decision to remove the original team due to no-showing their first game (ZeD, caej, nsd) and rather than have that every week I would rather replace them. On the day of the first game razbo, juncie and ozzy helped out a lot so people had an actual stream to watch but they have since decided they cannot play as the team throughout the tournament - after not originally signing up, either.

So I need a new team - skill level does not matter but would prefer known group of players just to ensure playing the remaining 9 games over the next 5 weeks.

I would like to apologise to Denmark Frodee who purchased an owners slot and now has no actual team, hopefully this can be sorted soon, again - sorry.
mattias what the heck????????
If anyone is avi to replace the team send me a PM
If there are 2 other ppl around, I would like to play it
Pudi and Oxy!
Avi to download RTCW and get going, inexperienced tho :(
let's get it started, same here! find a 3rd and send me rtcw :D
Maybe you will stay in rtcw longer :)
doubt it, csgo is the future! :D
need 3rd
would like to but can't promise i'll be avi for all the games :/
get your shit together :S
dont do it!
so jelly :S
nope ... no time for anything else than COD on ps4
lies, playing football manager 24/7 on steam
that is not nice sir!
I'm avi to play, probably most of the matches if it lines up with my time zone. I'm Canadian, so my ping/time zone will be a factor, however I'm willing to get this tourney back in order. Hit me up if ya'll need a 3rd.
i'd play with pudi n oxy :p
LOL!. Tragic.
Thought we dropped out and you got a replacement team for it - tried to reschedule the game (told zed to do it) but guess it didn't work out well, I apologize especially for frodee who bought the team and for you causing trouble for this and also for the rest who are taking part of this tournament. :( We fucked up
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