cfg cmds

hi cf,

im in need of two cfg cmds.

1. disable f+a / f+d lean shit. its fuckin me off

2. cant look that far on maps like radar coz background is Grey

ty for help cya
1. /unbind BUTTON

2. znear and zfar commands is disalowed in most of servers but u can pm Speedy Bozar or UFT players for help with it

You seem upset.
Quote1. disable f+a / f+d lean shit. its fuckin me off

b_noactivatelean 1

Quote2. cant look that far on maps like radar coz background is Grey

That is intentional and can't be changed without a cvar unlocker (cheat).
isnt there somethign like r_clamptoedge?
that one can be changed afaik, tho i don't really notice much difference by changing it to 0/1
k thanks for ur help :P
with #2, just look 45° away from where you want to see things and then you can see further
or just pm razz
he just removes everything :D
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