Sunnyvale ET Community + Opening Game Night on Friday the 19th of December, 2014

Sunnyvale is just a community, not a clan/scrimteam. I liked |tjw| so much when it was alive so now we have something similiar. Anyone who is a regular is free to tag up, or if you just want to show support goahead and tag.

There's no real rules here. Things like Spawnkilling and walljumping are allowed and encouraged. There's nothing wrong with this, it's part of ET. The only thing we ask is to not use cheats in the servers and try to be atleast somewhat respectful for the other players.

Here are the servers (all in Dallas, TX):

I'd like to try and organize a game night on Friday December 19th, 2014 at 6PM CST. To see when this is in your timezone, click here:

Edit: Please just show up when you can throughout the night. If not many people are playing or nobody just give it some time and people should show up. This is being sent to several people on xfire + Wolfenstein ET scrims and NA .6B ET xfire communities. It's also posted on Trackbase and Crossfire. Hopefully a good amount of players will trickle in but they may not all go at once. People tend not to connect to servers that have no players, the more people who are there the more players who will want to join.

The Silent server is set to allow 28 players. This may change in the future if we find it necessary. We have no problem opening up slots for more players as long as the gameplay works out alright. The concept of the server is more or less a combination of favored settings from pub servers and the balance from etpro competition configs. We wanted this to be a place to chill at, so things like stepping on your teammate's mines isn't possible; nobody will be able to troll you by running over all your mines. However, there won't be things like 100 players playing as panzer in 3v3 and medic limitations on healing or total medics per team limitations, or ant-killout rules or restrictions. Kill out as much as you want to. As part of trying to mix the relaxed feeling of most pub servers in, tripmines ARE enabled. Spawntimes adjust based on the amount of players in the server to prevent people from spawning slowly when there aren't many players. Maps have just been chosen, and are subject to change if we find a better lineup. The server IS using mapvote mode, so you can vote on which maps you want to play after each map. The server features the "!play" command used in the <IoW> server. You will be allowed more sounds to play based on your level in the server. There are only 3 obtainable levels and they are the same across the ET servers and TS3. Friend, Community Regular, and Trusted Community Regular are the only levels here. Again, the goal is to keep it simple. The maps are a selection of some popular maps from various mods which are trusted for a good gameplay environment. Adrenaline is enabled for medics but can only be given to other players. It only reduces damage by 10% instead of the default of 50%. We wanted to give the option to the players who really love adren without ruining it for the people who prefer a server without adren.

The jump server is ETJump with some jump maps. Don't think there's much to say about that. Feel free to go there whenever and jump around. This server allows 64 players. If you want more maps here let me know and I'll add them.

The TS3 is set to 10 slots as we just started and barely have a use for it. If at any time we find that more slots are needed, it's no problem at all for us to increase the slot limitation.

We just started up and right now we already have some supporters:
  • sneak (I do tech stuff)
  • grnwng (pays the bills)
  • Banana
  • Earl
  • tempest
  • PuK
  • sheerfire96
  • legendz

Here's the current map selection for the Silent server:
  • adlernest
  • baserace
  • beerrun_b7a_0331
  • braundorf_b4
  • bremen_b3
  • caen2
  • dubrovnik_final
  • et_ice
  • et_mor2_night_final
  • ET_Tower_b27j
  • Frostbite
  • GA_El_Kef
  • goldendunk_a2
  • industry2_final
  • karsiah_te2
  • n2D_PureFrag21
  • parisbastille_b3
  • pirates
  • radar
  • reactor_final
  • rocket_arena
  • snatch3
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_battery_b4
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • sw_oasis_b3
  • tc_base
  • venice_ne4
  • warbell
Get two birds stoned at once.
Wish you the best!
i admire the work you put into this post

srs very srs
Too many maps imo. Gl tho
What does the map count matter when it's vote based?
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