#Cup-Info might help you!

Some days ago, I came up with the idea to create a channel which could provide everyone enough information about the upcoming 1day-cups so he or she has got enough info to compete in the cup.

Although the channel was a great plan itself, many people messaged me with the hint that it would be alot smarter to create a website, seen it was much easier to deliver information by having a website. I found it a great idea to have a sort of interactive website, and I started searching for some experienced web-designers.
It didn't take long and I pmmed the Netherlands NxM to ask if he would like to make a nice website for #Cup-Info. He didn't hestitate and he answered with the ( from now on incredible) word: OF COURSE!

It took some days to make the website seen Netherlands NxM will attend with Europe Octense at Netherlands CPC II and therefore he had to prac alot. But he did find little gaps in his timetable to design the website, and the result is awesome!
It's a site which you can easily navigate through and therefore I'd like to give a big THANK YOU TO Netherlands NxM!
But hey, I'll stop teasing everyone now and I'll give you the link to our new website!
Visit our website: HERE!!!.
Another big thank you goes out to Finland Sami Luoto who was so kind to make a nice banner for us. Thanks!

If you want your cup to be added, please pm Insecure in the channel #Cup-Info with the following data:

• Website
• Irc channel
• Format
• Date

(The list of Moderators for #Cup-Info will be updated soon)

So, from now on everyone will be up to date concerning 1day-cups. and the new magic sentence is: #Cup-Info might help you!



Cupinfo Web | #Cup-Info
okéé :)
nice banner:o
banner made in paint?
nou niet zo flauw doen he
Nice site, but when you click on "Grid" everything goes weird. You can't click anything else anymore and if you want to change (to go to teams for example) you have to hit "backspace".
i know need to fix the hyperlinks
You might add what cups are 3v3 and what are 6v6. Both (snd and centuria) arent specified although that would be interesting to know.
I've done that now. But we don't know the format of the sndcup for sure, seen we've just based the current cups on quotations from other people. A little system test ^^
banner sucks, but nice idea
Sweet! If players could add a cup it would be great!
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