image: logocscup

After some rigorous "strawpolling" some decisions have been made on when, what and some hows for a little Crossfire CounterStrike One Day Cup! This post will inform anyone interested about the general details of the cup and will future a signups list for both signed in pre-made teams, uncompleted pre-made teams and individual signsup.

Date and times:
Sunday 15th February 2015
Check-in: 13.00 - 13.30 (CET)
First match: 14.00 (CET)

Format, mappool, map selection and servers:
The cup will be played in 5on5 BO3 MR15+OTMR3(10.000 start money). Maps and sides are decided by :
1. A coin toss is done, the winner of the coin toss decides who VETO's first. (first veto = second map pick)
2. Team X removes one map.
3. Team Y removes two maps.
4. Team X removes one map.
5. Team Y picks first map, Team X picks side.
6. Team X picks second map, Team Y picks side.
7. Third map is the remaining map, sides are decided by a knife fight.

  • de_inferno
  • de_mirage
  • de_nuke
  • de_dust2
  • de_cache
  • de_train
  • de_overpass

FRAGWISE.EU will be providing game servers for the cup. These will be hosted in the Netherlands Netherlands. Speaking from my own experience with them, as I've had a CS:GO server from them for a couple of months now, I can say their servers and service are great! So if you are in need of a server I can personally recommend them.

Basic ruleset:
  • A minimum of 3/5(4/6, 5/7 etc) players on the roster need a CF account of one year or older. A signup not meeting this will be dismissed completely, no exceptions made. This rule also counts for each match, of the 5 players on the server at least 3 need to meet the CF account requirement! Aiming for 8 teams for this first cup.
  • Players with a VAC-Ban after the 21st August 2012(release date of CS:GO) will not be allowed to play. If a team is found playing with a member that has said VAC-Ban, the team will be removed resulting in a forfeit win for the other team. This also applies if a player with said VAC-Ban is playing on a "smurf" account.
  • The ESL 5on5 config is going to be used.
  • Boosting is allowed, if a team feels a boost is overly unfair for a certain reason they can contact an admin and he will look at each case individual. Some reasons for this can be a boost causing bugs/exploits/transparent walls.
  • During any knife fight, all types of Utility items(flashbang, grenades, smokes, decoys) are forbidden. If a team is doing damage by shooting pistols, they receive a forfeit loss for that knife fight.
  • Ringers or mercs are allowed. However must have a CF account of one year or older, meet the VAC-Ban requirement and has not played for another team in the cup.
  • There will be a custom private steam group that captains/schedulers/representative have to join. Admins will provide server IP's from there and the cointoss results will be announced there too.
  • For any problems or conflicts outside of these rules, the ESL 5on5 ruleset will be a guideline. Admins have right to make final decisions if necessary.

How to signup:
You sign your team up by sending me a PM. The PM has to include: teamname, player names, player nationality, player CF account links, player steam account links and please highlight who your captain/scheduler/representative is so that I can invite them to the steam group. If you sign up as an individual, send me the same info. Teams are allowed to add extra players to their roster after the initial signup, however they must meet the requirements and an admin must be notified to verify if the player is allowed. I will answer questions on Steam, but a signup is not entered until you send me a PM containing all the required information! Please do not sign up if you are not 100% sure your team and players are available during tournament days. The tournament stretches over a full afternoon and evening, please keep this in mind!

That concludes most of the information you need, if there are questions please feel free to reply here, send me a PM or add me on steam. Also, if anyone would like to help me out with being a referee/admin, feel free to message me too.

2-1-2015: FRAGWISE.EU are now providing game servers that are to be used during the cup.
3-1-2015: Changes in map/sides selection process.

:: Powered by FRAGWISE.EU ::

image: fw_logo

Captains are underlined.

  • Germany Neverbyte:
    Germany stRay, Germany FLoPJEHZ, Germany BL4d3, Germany glasi 4g, Germany pawN, Germany ScaTmaN, Germany kreSti, Germany kiwi
  • Europe Teamname TBA:
    Netherlands Cupra, Finland pannari, Iceland phyZiC, Germany valar, Germany zentic
  • Finland TURBOAPINAT:
    Finland vokki, Finland Swanidius, Finland Statti, Finland crittie, Finland olden
  • Sweden Dispo:
    Sweden Malmen, Sweden AlexL, Sweden Jonas, Sweden Savage, Sweden fett nojd
  • Europe FROZEN:
    Poland chickita, Finland dTEC7, Finland JaJJa, France Snatix, United Kingdom Gnome, United Kingdom Prod
  • Poland szlachta:
    Poland furman, Poland blk, Poland grzesiek, Poland fixxxer, Poland kento, Poland ridji, Poland zMk, Poland czarek, Poland dialer, Poland kwilos, Poland SuchY
  • Finland RAAB:
    Finland lettu, Finland clouver, Finland iron, Finland decem, Finland aivo, Finland walle
  • open
  • backupteams

Europe Teamname TBA: Belgium iGlooW, Poland techsteppa, Europe TBA. Europe TBA, Europe TBA
Europe Finswerskers: Finland OLBAA, Finland bw, Sweden Weslann, Europe TBA, Europe TBA

Russia bananaphone CF STEAM
Is it fail or am I the only one seeing just the picture?
editor freaked out on me, removed all the content except the picture and then submitted the thread(ive no clue what happened but oh well fixed now)
QuotePlayers with a VAC-Ban after the 21st August 2012(release date of CS:GO) will not be allowed to play. If a team is found playing with a member that has said VAC-Ban, the team will be removed resulting in a forfeit win for the other team. This also applies if a player with said VAC-Ban is playing on a "smurf" account.

good bye juicy

also, the date is in a long time, but gonna try and play it with somehow, gj
its in a long time because there are exams in January if some countries. Posted a strawpoll for different sundays in February this was the most voted one so :P also gives people plenty of time to make sure they have nothing else that day :)
About prizes etc, don't have any for now. Mainly doing this to provide some small funtime CS competition for people who are interested. If I find a fitting/fun prize I'll let you know, if not it remains as it is now.
cant wait not to play it
cant wait to not see you play it :O)
good job, well done, will participate
gl with that, inb4 drama
fuchs and me need some crossies to play this!
Available for this
I'm avi for that cup! (:
Will play if I am still alive after africa.
GermanyWOLVES Gaming*
Edited, blame Flop for pm-ing me with Team Wolves :D
Probably FinlandSwedenPOLARBEERs
love u punky xx kisses mOST
avi for this :)

somehow skilled :P
was told that you are on wolves?
wat?:D i dont have the time for playing that srs ..

so i just keep rolling mm :P
"the last three maps available are to be played in alphabetical order"

Wtf, why?
because of the veto system, I can't create a 'set' order because I don't know what people will VETO per match. So it's this or loser of the first map picks the second map out of the available two left. I don't have a problem changing it too that if all the currently signed up people agree to it, I just thought this was more equitable.
1. Away team removes one map
2. Home team removes two maps
3. Away team removes one map
4. Home team picks map one, away team picks the side
5. Away team picks map two, home team picks the side
6. Remaining map is map three, home team picks the side
How would u decide who the home/away team is though in a single elim bracket?
coin toss maybe?
I guess, but map picks would be before veto? otherwise it's no different from what im using now (last 3 maps are to be played, just the order might be different)
doesnt matter who the hometeam is anyways! have to agree with zentic here and its the normal way in cs!
Yea I will probably change it to that, only winner of coin toss decides who eliminates first. so you can decide for first veto or for first map pick.

1. Coin toss, the winner of the coin toss decides who VETO's first. (first veto = second map pick)
2. Team X removes one map.
3. Team Y removes two maps.
4. Team X removes one map.
5. Team Y picks first map, Team X picks side.
6. Team X picks second map, Team Y picks side.
7. Third map is the remaining map, sides are decided by a knife fight.
thats fine, u still could make the sidechoice with a knife fight on every map, but still this looks better than the alphabetic method! How are u planning on doing the coin toss ?
If all the captains agree to come to a TS before a match we can do the cointoss over that. If not like the post here says through steam(either the private group or private chat room). The actual coin toss with just a coin in my hands :p
knife imo
i am very much interested in this odc, can some1 pls help me at csgo i need woman to play with, i usually play with woman every game i play, but this game i do not know a woman, pls add me steam, msg me
RAAB is in!
Supreme+ LU hähä
ScaTmaN pls :)

gl all

next step csgo lan <3
Is it possible to play on our own server if we provide config and opponents agree?
We've got cute verygames DE server, and my polish ISP hates NL servers badly (+90 ping)
Poland blurred vision reporting on duty
Nope not possible.
go for knife rounds..... coin toss is so ET ;) if i wont play it by myself ,maybe i can go for a cast
this is dreamhack veto system.
and feel freee to cast, wasn't planning on doing it myself because of having to admin too :P
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